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IEEE TNNLS June 2015 - Table of Contents

发表于 2015-6-3 16:27:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The following articles appeared in the latest issue of IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks and Learning Systems; Volume 26, Issue 6, June 2015.

This issue published some papers on semisupervised learning, independent component analysis, image classification, multiple kernel learning, support vector machine, and deep learning. We welcome you to submit your papers on these topics to IEEE TNNLS.

These articles can be retrieved on IEEE Xplore:
or directly by clicking the individual paper URL below.

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems;
Volume 26, Issue 6, June 2015

1. Title: On Recursive Edit Distance Kernels With Application to Time Series Classification
Authors: Pierre-Francois Marteau; Sylvie Gibet
Page(s): 1121 - 1133

2. Title: Generalized Multiple Kernel Learning With Data-Dependent Priors
Authors: Qi Mao; Ivor W. Tsang; Shenghua Gao; Li Wang
Page(s): 1134 - 1148

3. Title: A Two-Layer Recurrent Neural Network for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization Problems
Authors: Sitian Qin; Xiaoping Xue
Page(s): 1149 - 1160

4. Title: Generalized Single-Hidden Layer Feedforward Networks for Regression Problems
Authors: Ning Wang; Meng Joo Er; Min Han
Page(s): 1161 - 1176

5. Title: Optimization of a Multilayer Neural Network by Using Minimal Redundancy Maximal Relevance-Partial Mutual Information Clustering With Least Square Regression
Authors: Chao Chen; Xuefeng Yan
Page(s): 1177 - 1187

6. Title: Output-Feedback Adaptive Neural Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems With Unknown Control Directions
Authors: Tieshan Li; Zifu Li; Dan Wang; C. L. Philip Chen
Page(s): 1188 - 1201

7. Title: Memristor-Based Cellular Nonlinear/Neural Network: Design, Analysis, and Applications
Authors: Shukai Duan; Xiaofang Hu; Zhekang Dong; Lidan Wang; Pinaki Mazumder
Page(s): 1202 - 1213

8. Title: Synchronization of Chaotic Lur’e Systems With Time Delays Using Sampled-Data Control
Authors: Changchun Hua; Chao Ge; Xinping Guan
Page(s): 1214 - 1221

9. Title: Kernel Reconstruction ICA for Sparse Representation
Authors: Yanhui Xiao; Zhenfeng Zhu; Yao Zhao; Yunchao Wei; Shikui Wei
Page(s): 1222 - 1232

10. Title: Partially Shared Latent Factor Learning With Multiview Data
Authors: Jing Liu; Yu Jiang; Zechao Li; Zhi-Hua Zhou; Hanqing Lu
Page(s): 1233 - 1246

11. Title: Learning From Adaptive Neural Dynamic Surface Control of Strict-Feedback Systems
Authors: Min Wang; Cong Wang
Page(s): 1247 - 1259

12. Title: Complex Support Vector Machines for Regression and Quaternary Classification
Authors: Pantelis Bouboulis; Sergios Theodoridis; Charalampos Mavroforakis; Leoni Evaggelatou-Dalla
Page(s): 1260 - 1274

13. Title: Blind Image Quality Assessment via Deep Learning
Authors: Weilong Hou; Xinbo Gao; Dacheng Tao; Xuelong Li
Page(s): 1275 - 1286

14. Title: Discriminative Embedded Clustering: A Framework for Grouping High-Dimensional Data
Authors: Chenping Hou; Feiping Nie; Dongyun Yi; Dacheng Tao
Page(s): 1287 - 1299

15. Title: Global Exponential Synchronization of Multiple Memristive Neural Networks With Time Delay via Nonlinear Coupling
Authors: Zhenyuan Guo; Shaofu Yang; Jun Wang
Page(s): 1300 - 1311

16. Title: A Direct Self-Constructing Neural Controller Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
Authors: Honggui Han; Wendong Zhou; Junfei Qiao; Gang Feng
Page(s): 1312 - 1322

17. Title: Error Bounds of Adaptive Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Solving Undiscounted Optimal Control Problems
Authors: Derong Liu; Hongliang Li; Ding Wang
Page(s): 1323 - 1334

18. Title: Further Result on Guaranteed H_\infty Performance State Estimation of Delayed Static Neural Networks
Authors: He Huang; Tingwen Huang; Xiaoping Chen
Page(s): 1335 - 1341

19. Title: Randomized Gradient-Free Method for Multiagent Optimization Over Time-Varying Networks
Authors: Deming Yuan; Daniel W. C. Ho
Page(s): 1342 - 1347

*****  Mark your calendar for the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society flagship conference WCCI'16, which will be held in Vancouver, Canada, from 25-29 July 2016!  Stay tuned at:  *****


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