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UCLA的Jens Palsberg:计算机领域的H-index牛人列表

发表于 2015-5-3 18:17:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
UCLA的Jens Palsberg根据Google Scholar建立了一个计算机领域的H-index牛人列表 。我们熟悉的各个领域的大牛绝大多数都在榜上,包括1位诺贝尔奖得主,35位图灵奖得主,近百位美国工程院/科学院院士,300多位ACM Fellow。但一个有趣的现象是图灵奖得主们的H-Index比预想的要偏低

The h Index for Computer Science
by Jens Palsberg
In this paper, J. E. Hirsch, Dept of Physics, UCSD, proposes "the index h, defined as the number of papers with citation number higher or equal to h, as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher."

Here is a partial list of computer science researchers who each has an h index of 40 or higher according to Google Scholar. The list has about 800 entries and includes 1 Nobel Laureate, 34 Turing Award winners, 73 members of the National Academy of Engineering, 19 members of the National Academy of Sciences, 335 ACM Fellows, and 183 IEEE Fellows. Send comments, corrections, and new entries to Jens Palsberg. I made the most recent update on Mar 22, 2015.

I do maintain the list: mostly, I add people and update numbers upon request and when I happen to notice a high h index. Some of the numbers on this page are the results of counting efforts by the listed people themselves. I have computed some of the numbers myself by comparing output from Google Scholar with other listings of research papers, such as from personal webpages or DBLP. Whenever I notice that a person listed on this page has an entry on Google Scholar Citations, I create a link to that entry.

Several websites provide easy-to-use interfaces for computing an h index, including scHolar index and Harzing's publish and perish.

154 Herbert A. Simon (CMU), Nobel Laureate, Turing Award, ACM Fellow
144 Anil K. Jain (Michigan State U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
122 Scott Shenker (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
121 David Haussler (UC Santa Cruz), ISCB Fellow
120 Terrence Sejnowski (UCSD), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the Institute of Medicine, IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
118 Hector Garcia-Molina (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
118 Takeo Kanade (CMU), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
115 Philip S. Yu (UIC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
114 Jiawei Han (UIUC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
113 Don Towsley (U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
112 Wil van der Aalst (TU Eindhoven), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities
112 Steven Salzberg (Johns Hopkins U), AAAS Fellow, ISCB Fellow
111 Tomaso Poggio (MIT)
110 Deborah Estrin (Cornell NYC Tech), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
110 Sebastian Thrun (Stanford), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
109 Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory & U Chicago), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, BCS Fellow
108 Stephen Grossberg (Boston University)
108 Michael I. Jordan (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, AAAI Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, SIAM Fellow
107 David Culler (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
107 Didier Dubois (CNRS Toulouse)
107 Henri Prade (CNRS Toulouse)
106 Andrew Zisserman (University of Oxford), Fellow of the Royal Society
105 Geoffrey E. Hinton (U Toronto), Fellow of the Royal Society, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Fellow of the Royal Society, FRSC, IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
105 HongJiang Zhang (KingSoft, China), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, ACM SIGMM Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
104 Christos H. Papadimitriou (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
104 Alex Pentland (MIT), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
103 Nick Jennings (U Southampton), IEEE Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
100 Georgios Giannakis (U Minnesota), IEEE Fellow
100 John A. Stankovic (U Virginia), ACM Fellow
98 Mario Gerla (UCLA), IEEE Fellow
97 Jack Dongarra (U Tennessee), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, SIAM Fellow, AAAS Fellow
97 Bernhard Schölkopf (Max Planck)
95 Shree Nayar (Columbia), Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
95 Stanley Osher (UCLA), Member of the National Academy of Sciences, SIAM Fellow
94 Martin Vetterli (EPFL), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
92 Richard Karp (Berkeley), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, SIAM Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
92 Alex Szalay (Johns Hopkins U)
92 Lotfi Zadeh (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
90 Vipin Kumar (U Minnesota), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
89 Jeffrey D. Ullman (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
88 Luc Van Gool (ETH Zurich)
87 Hari Balakrishnan (MIT), ACM Fellow
86 Rajkumar Buyya (University of Melbourne, Australia), IEEE Medal for Excellence in Scalable Computing
86 Thomas A. Henzinger (IST Austria), ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
86 Randy H. Katz (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
86 Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
86 Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice U), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
85 Ian F. Akyildiz (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
84 Olivier Faugeras (INRIA), Member of the French Academy of Sciences
84 David E. Goldberg (UIUC)
84 Francisco Herrera (U Granada, Spain)
84 Shankar Sastry (Berkeley)
83 Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State U), IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow
83 Sushil Jajodia (George Mason U), IEEE Fellow
82 Marco Dorigo (U Libre de Bruxelles), IEEE Fellow, ECCAI Fellow, IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
82 Mark Horowitz (Stanford), ACM Fellow
82 Robert Tarjan (Princeton), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, SIAM Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
81 Rakesh Agrawal (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
81 Noga Alon (Tel Aviv U)
81 Amit Sheth (Wright State U), IEEE Fellow
81 Ben Shneiderman (U Maryland), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
80 Mihir Bellare (UCSD), ACM Fellow, IACR Fellow
80 Alon Halevy [Alon Levy] (Google), ACM Fellow
80 Daphne Koller (Stanford), MacArthur Fellow, AAAI Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, ACM Infosys Foundation Award
80 Mani B. Srivastava (UCLA), IEEE Fellow
80 Katia Sycara (CMU), IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow
80 Jennifer Widom (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
79 Rama Chellappa (U Maryland), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow, OSA Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
78 Martin Abadi (UC Santa Cruz and Microsoft), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow
78 Tim Finin (UMBC), AAAI Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
78 Dinesh Manocha (UNC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
78 Klaus-Robert Müller (TU Berlin)
78 Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen), IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
78 David A. Patterson (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
78 Mihalis Yannakakis (Columbia), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
77 Thomas S. Huang (UIUC), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
77 Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia), ACM Fellow
77 Lixia Zhang (UCLA), ACM Fellow
76 Gene H. Golub (Stanford)
76 Richard Szeliski (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
75 Jose Joaquin Garcia-Luna-Aceves (UC Santa Cruz and PARC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, Corresponding Member of the Mexican Academy Sciences, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
75 Ken Kennedy (Rice U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
75 Rajeev Motwani (Stanford), ACM Fellow
75 Mubarak Shah (U Central Florida), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IAPR Fellow, SPIE Fellow
75 Witold Pedrycz (U Alberta), IEEE Fellow
74 W. Bruce Croft (U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow
74 Fred Glover (U Colorado)
74 Donald E. Knuth (Stanford), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, SIAM Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
74 Hans-Peter Seidel (Max Planck)
73 Andrew Blake (Microsoft), Fellow of the Royal Society
73 John M. Carroll (Penn State U)
73 Ian Horrocks (Oxford U), Fellow of the Royal Society
73 Robert Kraut (CMU), ACM Fellow
73 Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
73 Biswanath Mukherjee (UC Davis)
73 Burkhard Rost (TU Munich)
72 Rajeev Alur (U Penn), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
72 Nicholas Ayache (INRIA)
72 Alexander J. Smola (CMU)
71 Monica S. Lam (Stanford), ACM Fellow
71 Jitendra Malik (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
71 Azriel Rosenfeld (U Maryland), ACM Fellow
71 Barry Smith (SUNY Buffalo)
71 Demetri Terzopoulos (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the European Academy of Sciences, FRSC
71 Ronald Yager (Iona College), IEEE Fellow
70 Richard Baraniuk (Rice U), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
70 Hsinchun Chen (U Arizona), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
70 Ronald Fagin (IBM Almaden), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award, IEEE Technical Achievement Award, IEEE W. Wallace McDowell Award
70 Jim Gray (Microsoft), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
70 David Karger (MIT), ACM Fellow
70 Judea Pearl (UCLA), Turing Award, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
70 H. Vincent Poor (Princeton)
70 Prabhakar Raghavan (Yahoo! Research), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
70 Adi Shamir (Weizmann), Turing Award, IACR Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
70 Kishor S. Trivedi (Duke U), IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
70 Moti Yung (Google), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IACR Fellow
70 Terry Winograd (Stanford)
70 Jie Wu (Temple U), IEEE Fellow
69 Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC)
69 Thomas Anderson (U Washington), ACM Fellow
69 James Bezdek (U West Florida), IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
69 H. V. Jagadish (U Michigan), ACM Fellow
69 Jon Kleinberg (Cornell), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, MacArthur Fellow, ACM Infosys Foundation Award, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award
69 Edward A. Lee (Berkeley)
69 Klara Nahrstedt (UIUC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
69 Pavel Pevzner (UCSD), ACM Fellow, ISCB Fellow
68 Serge Abiteboul (INRIA), ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
68 Markus Gross (ETH Zurich), ACM Fellow, Member of the German Academy of Sciences
68 Eric Horvitz (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
68Olvi L. Mangasarian (U Wisconsin)
68 Vern Paxson (ICSI), ACM Fellow
68 Ronald L. Rivest (MIT), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, IACR Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
68 Kang G. Shin (U Michigan), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
68 Eduardo Sontag (Rutgers), IEEE Fellow
68 John von Neumann (Princeton)
67 Pierre Baldi (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, AAAI Fellow, IEEE Fellow, ISCB Fellow
67 Anantha Chandrakasan (MIT)
67 Shih-Fu Chang (Columbia), IEEE Fellow, IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
67 William Freeman (MIT), IEEE Fellow
67 Ramesh Govindan (USC), ACM Fellow
67 Andrew B. Kahng (UCSD), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
67 Maurizio Lenzerini (Sapienza U di Roma), ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
67 Thomas W. Reps (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
67 Chris Taylor (U Manchester)
67 Jeffrey Vitter (U Kansas), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
67 Alex Waibel (CMU and U Karlsruhe)
66 Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo Labs), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
66 Elisa Bertino (Purdue U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
66 Dan Boneh (Stanford), ACM Infosys Foundation Award, IACR Fellow
66 William Dally (Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
66 Sajal K. Das (Missouri University of Science and Tech), IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
66 Martial Hebert (CMU)
66 John Mylopoulos (U Toronto), FRSC
66 Allen Newell (CMU), Turing Award, IEEE Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
66 Michael Wooldridge (U Liverpool), AAAI Fellow
65 Wolfram Burgard (U Freiburg)
65 Anoop Gupta (Microsoft)
65 Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
65 Anupam Joshi (U Maryland, Baltimore County)
65 Nick McKeown (Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
65 Sankar K. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute), IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow
65 Steffen Staab (U Koblenz-Landau)
65 Ion Stoica (Berkeley), ACM Fellow
65 Haim J. Wolfson (Tel Aviv U)
64 Luca Benini (U Bologna)
64 Larry Davis (U Maryland), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
64 Susan Dumais (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
64 Joseph Y. Halpern (Cornell), ACM Fellow
64 George Karypis (U Minnesota)
64 James Hendler (RPI), IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow, BCS Fellow
64 Dimitris Metaxas (Rutgers), Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers
64 Adrian Perrig (ETH Zurich)
64 Raghu Ramakrishnan (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
64 Cordelia Schmid (INRIA)
64 Ivan Stojmenovic (U Ottawa), IEEE Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
64 George Varghese (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Kobayashi Award, ACM SIGCOMM Lifetime Award
64 Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing U), IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow
63 Hojjat Adeli (Ohio State U), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
63 Christophe Diot (Thomson Technology Paris Lab), ACM Fellow
63 Nir Friedman (Hebrew U of Jerusalem)
63 David S. Johnson (AT&T Labs), ACM Fellow, SIAM Fellow
63 Sara Kiesler (CMU), ACM Fellow
63 Ming C. Lin (UNC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
63 Andrew McCallum (U Mass, Amherst), AAAI Fellow
63 Theodore S. Rappaport (NYU)
63 Michael Reiter (UNC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
63 Daniel Thalmann (EPFL)
62 Andrew Campbell (Dartmouth)
62 Jason Cong (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
62 Tim Cootes (U Manchester)
62 C. Lee Giles (Penn State), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
62 William Gropp (UIUC) ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, SIAM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
62 Gabor Herman (City University of New York), IEEE Fellow
62 C.-C. Jay Kuo (USC), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, SPIE Fellow
62 Larry Peterson (Princeton), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
62 Tieniu Tan (Chinese Academy of Sciences), IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow
62 Douglas C. Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
62 Lothar Thiele (ETH Zurich)
62 Michael Unser (EPFL)
62 Nitin Vaidya (UIUC)
62 Yorick Wilks (IHMC, Florida)
61 Norman I. Badler (U Penn)
61 Jon Crowcroft (U Cambridge), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Society
61 Srinivas Devadas (MIT), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
61 Oren Etzioni (U Washington)
61 Dieter Fox (U Washington)
61 Michael Franklin (Berkeley), ACM Fellow
61 Erol Gelenbe (Imperial College, London), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, SIGMETRICS Life-Time Achievement Award, Member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Scences, Member of the French National Academy of Engineering, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
61 Saul Greenberg (University of Calgary), Member of the ACM CHI Academy
61 Pat Hanrahan (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
61 Henry Kautz (Rochester), ACM Fellow
61 Kai Li (Princeton), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
61 Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (U Geneva)
61 Chunming Qiao (SUNY Buffalo), IEEE Fellow
61 Kaushik Roy (Purdue U)
61 Russell H. Taylor (Johns Hopkins U)
61 Roger Wattenhofer (ETH Zurich)
61 Alan Yuille (UCLA)
60 Ross Anderson (U Cambridge), Fellow of the Royal Society
60 David Dill (Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
60 Wen Gao (Peking U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
60 Wen-Mei W. Hwu (UIUC), ACM Fellow
60 Janusz Kacprzyk (Polish Academy of Sciences), IEEE Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
60 Frank Leymann (U Stuttgart)
60 K. J. Ray Liu (U Maryland), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
60 Zohar Manna (Stanford), ACM Fellow
60 Lionel Ni (Hong Kong U of Science and Tech)
60 Stefan Savage (UCSD), ACM Fellow
60 Dan Suciu (U Washington), ACM Fellow
60 Yiyu Yao (U Regina)
59 Mohamed-Slim Alouini (KAUST)
59 Daniel Bobrow (Xerox), ACM Fellow
59 Carole Goble (U Manchester)
59 Henry Levy[url=](U Washington),[/url]ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
59 Huan Liu (Arizona State U)
59 Silvio Micali (MIT), Turing Award, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, IACR Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
59 David Tse (Berkeley)
59 Jonathan Turner (Washington U, St Louis), ACM Fellow
59 Manuela Veloso (CMU)
59 Philip Wadler (U Edinburgh), ACM Fellow
59 Daniel S. Weld (U Washington), ACM Fellow
58 Mostafa H. Ammar (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
58 Eric Brewer (Berkeley), ACM Fellow
58 Luca Cardelli (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), Fellow of the Royal Society
58 Peter Druschel (Max Planck), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
58 Ronald Fedkiw (Stanford), Academy Award from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
58 Mark D. Hill (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
58 Ramesh Jain (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow, IAPR Fellow, SPIE Fellow
58 David B. Johnson (Rice U)
58 Arie Kaufman (SUNY Stony Brook), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
58 Wenke Lee (Georgia Tech)
58 Pattie Maes (MIT)
58 Noam Nisan (Hebrew U)
58John Reif (Duke U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
58 Jennifer Rexford (Princeton), ACM Fellow
58 Amin Vahdat (UCSD), ACM Fellow
58 David Wagner (Berkeley)
57 Alfred V. Aho (Columbia U), ACM Fellow
57 Gustavo Alonso (ETH Zurich), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
57 Michael J. Black (Brown U)
57 Avrim Blum (CMU), ACM Fellow
57 Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL)
57 James Demmel (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, SIAM Fellow, Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
57 Stuart K. Card (Xerox)
57 David Fogel (Natural Selection), IEEE Fellow, IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
57 David K. Gifford (MIT)
57 Mark Handley (U College London)
57 Robert Haralick (City U of New York)
57 David Harel (Weizmann), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
57 Somesh Jha (U Wisconsin)
57 Leslie Lamport (Microsoft), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
57 Steve Lawrence (Google)
57 Tom Leighton (MIT), Member of the National Academy of Engineering, SIAM Fellow
57 Tom Mitchell (CMU)
57 Jason H. Moore (Dartmouth), AAAS Fellow, Kavli Fellow
57 Wolfgang Nejdl (L3S Research Center, Hannover)
57 Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA), IACR Fellow
57 Massoud Pedram (USC)
57 David Salesin (Adobe Systems), ACM Fellow
57 Tuomas Sandholm (CMU), ACM Fellow
57 Padhraic Smyth (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow
57 Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Vrije U, The Netherlands), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
57 Walter Willinger (Bell Labs), ACM Fellow, SIAM Fellow
57 Xin Yao (U Birmingham), IEEE Fellow
57 Michele Zorzi (U Padova), IEEE Fellow
56 Gregory D. Abowd (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, ACM SIGCHI Academy
56 Alan Burns (U York)
56 Stefano Ceri (Politecnico di Milano), ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
56 Bernard Chazelle (Princeton), ACM Fellow
56 Ingemar J. Cox (U College London), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56 Rachid Deriche (INRIA)
56 Dieter Fensel (Innsbruck U)
56 David Garlan (CMU), ACM Fellow
56 Dimitrios Gunopulos (U Athens)
56 Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg U)
56 Songwu Lu (UCLA)
56 Raymond Mooney (UT Austin), ACM Fellow
56 Brad Myers (CMU), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56 Pietro Perona (Cal Tech)
56 Miodrag Potkonjak (UCLA)
56 Rajeev Rastogi (Amazon), ACM Fellow
56 Daniela Rus (MIT), ACM Fellow, MacArthur Fellow
56 Sartaj Sahni (U Florida), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56 Hanan Samet (U Maryland), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56 Ravi Sandhu (UT San Antonio), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
56 Dennis Shasha (NYU), ACM Fellow
56 Prashant Shenoy (U Mass, Amherst)
56 Ian Witten (U Waikato), ACM Fellow
56 Yang Xiao (U Alabama)
55 Michael Cohen (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
55 Daniel Cohen-Or (Tel Aviv U)
55 Stefan Decker (National U Ireland)
55 Pedro Domingos (U Washington)
55 Philippe Flajolet (INRIA), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
55 Tao Jiang (UC Riverside), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow
55 David Kotz (Dartmouth)
55 Jeff Kramer (Imperial College, London), ACM Fellow
55 Ravi Kumar (Google)
55 H. T. Kung (Harvard), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
55 Sharad Malik (Princeton), ACM Fellow
55 B. S. Manjunath (UC Santa Barbara), IEEE Fellow
55 Alex Nicolau (UC Irvine), IEEE Fellow
55 David Padua (UIUC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
55 David Peleg (Weizmann)
55 Philip Rogaway (UC Davis), IACR Fellow
55 Gerard Salton (Cornell), ACM Fellow
55 Joseph Sifakis (EPFL), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
55 Nigel Shadbolt (U Southampton)
55 Salvatore Stolfo (Columbia)
55 Milind Tambe (USC), ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow
55 Vladimir Vapnik (Royal Holloway, U London) Member of the National Academy of Engineering, IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
55 Geoffrey Voelker (UCSD)
54 Chandrajit Bajaj (UT Austin), ACM Fellow
54 David Blaauw (U Michigan)
54 Ran Canetti (Tel Aviv U)
54 John Canny (Berkeley)
54 Imrich Chlamtac (U Trento)
54 Trevor Darrell (Berkeley)
54 Ahmed Elmagarmid (Purdue U and Qatar Computing Research Inst), ACM Fellow
54 David Heckerman (Microsoft and UCLA), ACM Fellow
54 Kurt Keutzer (Berkeley), IEEE Fellow
54 Fernando C. N. Pereira (U Penn)
54 Amir Pnueli (Weizmann and New York University), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54 Marc Pollefeys (ETH Zurich), IEEE Fellow
54 Mary Beth Rosson (Penn State U)
54 Abraham Silberschatz (Yale), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
54 Barry Smyth (U College Dublin)
54 Andreas Stolcke (Microsoft)
54 Gene Tsudik (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow
53 Ajith Abraham (MIR Labs)
53 Pankaj K. Agarwal (Duke U), ACM Fellow
53 Divyakant Agrawal (UC Santa Barbara), ACM Fellow
53 Shun-ichi Amari (Riken)
53 David Cheriton (Stanford)
53 Mark Crovella (Boston University), ACM Fellow
53 Dipankar Dasgupta (U Memphis), IEEE Fellow
53 Sally Floyd (ICSI), ACM Fellow
53 Giuseppe De Giacomo (Sapienza U di Roma)
53 Georg Gottlob (University of Oxford), ACM Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Society, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
53 Frank van Harmelen (Vrije U, The Netherlands)
53 John Heidemann (USC/ISI)
53 Craig Knoblock (USC)
53 Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (U British Columbia)
53 James Larus (EPFL), ACM Fellow
53 Michael L. Littman (Rutgers)
53 Zbigniew Michalewicz (U Adelaide)
53 Michael Mitzenmacher (Harvard), ACM Fellow
53 Michael Pazzani (Rutgers)
53 Rosalind Picard (MIT)
53 Manfred Reichert (Ulm U)
53 Amit Sahai (UCLA)
53 John R. Smith (IBM Research)
53 Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs), ACM Fellow
53 Gaurav Sukhatme (USC)
53 Subhash Suri (UC Santa Barbara), ACM Fellow
53 Enrique Herrera Viedma (U Granada)
53 Michael P. Wellman (U Michigan), ACM Fellow
53 Gio Wiederhold (Stanford), ACM Fellow
52 James F. Allen (U Rochester)
52 Eitan Altman (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), IEEE Fellow
52 Serge Belongie (Cornell Tech in NYC and UCSD)
52 Roberto Cipolla (U Cambridge)
52 Carlos A. C. Coello (CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico), IEEE Fellow, IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
52 William W. Cohen (CMU)
52 Erik Demaine (MIT)
52 Thomas Dietterich (Oregon State U), ACM Fellow
52 Danny Dolev (Hebrew U), ACM Fellow
52 Thomas Eiter (TU Vienna)
52 Johannes Gehrke (Cornell), ACM Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
52 Phillip Gibbons (Intel), ACM Fellow
52 Donald Greenberg (Cornell U)
52 Jonathan Grudin (Microsoft)
52 Rajesh Gupta (UCSD), IEEE Fellow
52 John Hennessy (Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
52 Charles E. Leiserson (MIT), ACM Fellow
52 Marc Levoy (Stanford)
52 Theo Pavlidis (SUNY Stony Brook), IEEE Fellow
52 Peter Patel-Schneider (Nuance Communications)
52 Gordon Plotkin (U Edinburgh), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
52 Jan M. Rabaey (Berkeley)
52 John Riedl (U Minnesota), ACM Fellow
52 Keith Ross (Polytechnic Institute of NYU), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
52 Dan Roth (UIUC), ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, ACL Fellow
52 Pierangela Samarati (U Milano)
52 Alejandro Schaffer (National Institutes of Health)
52 Carlo Zaniolo (UCLA)
52 Qian Zhang (Hong Kong U of Sci and Tech), IEEE Fellow
51 Dharma P. Agrawal (U Cincinnati), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
51 Baruch Awerbuch (Johns Hopkins U)
51 Joachim Buhmann (ETH Zurich)
51 Kevin Bowyer (U Notre Dame), IEEE Fellow
51 Peter Brusilovsky (U Pittsburgh and CMU)
51 Brad Calder (Microsoft)
51 Diego Calvanese (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
51 Fabio Casati (U Trento)
51 Peter Denning (Naval Postgraduate School), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, past ACM President
51 Stephanie Forrest (U New Mexico)
51 Zoubin Ghahramani (U Cambridge / CMU)
51 Ron Graham (UCSD), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Sciences
51 Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL), ACM Fellow
51 Rajiv Gupta (UC Riverside), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
51 Joseph M. Hellerstein (Berkeley), ACM Fellow
51 Piotr Indyk (MIT)
51 Hisao Ishibuchi (Osaka Prefecture University), IEEE Fellow)
51 Norman Jouppi (HP Labs), ACM Fellow
51 Kevin Knight (USC)
51 David Kriegman (UCSD)
51 Der-Tsai Lee (National Chung Hsing University), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of TWAS
51 Xiang-Yang Li (Illinois Institute of Tech)
51 Steven Low (Cal Tech)
51 Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft)
51 Christopher Manning (Stanford), ACM Fellow
51 Ueli Maurer (ETH Zurich), IEEE Fellow, IACR Fellow, Member of the German Academy of Sciences
51 Thomas P. Moran (IBM), ACM Fellow
51 Vijaykrishnan Narayanan (Penn State), ACM Fellow
51 Badri Nath [B R Badrinath] (Rutgers)
51 Lionel M. Ni (Hong Kong U of Sci and Tech), IEEE Fellow
51 Venkata N. Padmanabhan (Microsoft Research), IEEE Fellow, Member of the Indian National Academy of Engineering
51 Jordan Pollack (Brandeis)
51 Gregg Rothermel (U Nebraska, Lincoln)
51 Stefano Soatto (UCLA)
51 Dawn Song (Berkeley), MacArthur Fellow
51 Robert Stevens (U Manchester)
51 Roberto Tamassia (Brown U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
51 Joachim Weickert (Saarland University), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
51 Gerhard Woeginger (TU Eindhoven)
50 Vineet Bafna (UCSD)
50 Ben Bederson (U Maryland)
50 Steve Benford (U Nottingham)
50 Philip A. Bernstein (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
50 Brian Bershad (U Washington)
50 Aaron Bobick (Georgia Tech)
50 Boualem Benatallah (U New South Wales)
50 Guohong Cao (Penn State), IEEE Fellow
50 Lionel Briand (Carleton U)
50 Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
50 Schahram Dustdar (TU Vienna), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
50 Garth Gibson (CMU), ACM Fellow
50 W. Eric L. Grimson (MIT), ACM Fellow
50 Jessica Hodgins (CMU)
50 Michal Irani (Weizmann)
50 Van Jacobson (PARC), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
50 Raj Jain (Washington U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
50 Christian S. Jensen (Aarhus U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
50 Jeff Kephart (IBM Research), IEEE Fellow
50 Angelos Keromytis (Columbia)
50 Edward Knightly (Rice U), IEEE Fellow
50 Hugo Krawczyk (IBM), IACR Fellow
50 Yann LeCun (NYU)
50 David Maier (Portland State U), ACM Fellow
50 Yishay Mansour (Tel Aviv U), ACM Fellow
50 Dimitris Metaxas (Rutgers)
50 Joseph S. B. Mitchell (SUNY Stony Brook), ACM Fellow
50 Trevor Mudge (U Michigan), IEEE Fellow, ACM-IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award
50 S. Muthukrishnan (Rutgers), ACM Fellow
50 Frank Pfenning (CMU)
50 Benjamin Pierce (U Penn), ACM Fellow
50 Riccardo Poli (U Essex)
50 Joel Saltz (Emory University), American Medical Informatics Association Fellow
50 Majid Sarrafzadeh (UCLA), IEEE Fellow
50 Kevin Skadron (U Virginia), IEEE Fellow
50 Sargur Srihari (SUNY Buffalo), IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow
50 Alan Smeaton (Dublin City U), Member of the Royal Irish Academy
50 Douglas Stinson (U Waterloo)
50 Eva Tardos (Cornell), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, IEEE Technical Achievement Award, SIAM Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
50 Pascal Van Hentenryck (ANU and NICTA)
50 Michael Waidner (TU Darmstadt)
50 Darrell Whitley (Colorado State University)
50 Steve Whittaker (UC Santa Cruz), ACM Fellow
50 Zhengyou Zhang (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
50 Yuanyuan Zhou (UCSD), ACM Fellow
49 Andrew Barto (U Mass, Amherst), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
49 Craig Boutilier (U Toronto), ACM Fellow
49 Andrew A. Chien (U. Chicago), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
49 Kenneth Church (IBM)
49 Philip R Cohen (Adapx Inc), AAAI Fellow,
49 David J. DeWitt (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49 Paul Dourish (UC Irvine)
49 David Eppstein (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow
49 Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern U), ACM Fellow
49 Steven Feiner (Columbia)
49 Carlos Guestrin (U Washington)
49 Leonidas J. Guibas (Stanford), ACM Fellow
49 Tian He (U Minnesota)
49 Holger Hoos (U British Columbia)
49 Hugues Hoppe (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
49 Tomasz Imielinski (Rutgers)
49 Ron Kimmel (Technion)
49 Hans-Peter Kriegel (Ludwig-Maximilians U, Munich), ACM Fellow
49 Benjamin Kuipers (U Michigan)
49 Hector Levesque (U Toronto), FRSC
49 Michael Luby (ICSI)
49 Kurt Mehlhorn (Max Planck), ACM Fellow
49 Robert Morris (MIT), ACM Fellow
49 Moni Naor (Weizmann), IACR Fellow
49 Jeffrey F. Naughton (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
49 Norman Paton (U Manchester)
49 Bart Preneel (KU Leuven)
49 Kannan Ramchandran (Berkeley)
49 Andre Schiper (EPFL)
49 Timos Sellis (RMIT, Australia)
49 Bart Selman (Cornell), ACM Fellow
49 Daniel Siewiorek (CMU), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49 John Stasko (Georgia Tech)
49 Michael Stonebraker (MIT), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
49 V. S. Subrahmanian (U Maryland)
49 Richard S. Sutton (U Alberta)
49 Gerhard Weikum (Max Planck), ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
49 David Wetherall (U Washington), ACM Fellow
49 David A. Wood (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
49 Ming-Hsuan Yang (UC Merced)
49 Justin Zobel (U Melbourne)
48 James Allan (U Mass, Amherst)
48 Franz Baader (TU Dresden), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
48 Dana Ballard (UT Austin)
48 Randal Bryant (CMU), ACM Fellow
48 Peter Buneman (U Edinburgh), ACM Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Society
48 Vince Calhoun (U New Mexico)
48 Michael J. Carey (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
48 Umeshwar Dayal (HP Labs), ACM Fellow
48 Pascal Fua (EPFL)
48 Pradeep K. Khosla (CMU), IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow, AAAS Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
48 Joshua Knowles (U Manchester)
48 Simon S. Lam (UT Austin), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
48 James Landay (U Washington)
48 Jerome Lang (CRNS)
48 Deborah L. McGuinness (RPI)
48 Samuel Madden (MIT)
48 Kathleen McKeown (Columbia), ACM Fellow
48 Kathryn McKinley (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
48 Gonzalo Navarro (U Chile)
48 Stefano Nolfi (National Research Council, Rome)
48 David Parnas (U Limerick), ACM Fellow
48 Jean-Jacques Quisquater (U Catholique de Louvain), IACR Fellow
48 Ulrike Sattler (U Manchester)
48 Mahadev Satyanarayanan (CMU), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
48 Bernt Schiele (Max Planck)
48 Steven Seitz (U Washington)
48 Yoram Singer (Google)
48 Satinder Singh (U Michigan)
48 Richard Snodgrass (U Arizona), ACM Fellow
48 Peter Steenkiste (CMU)
48 Peter Stone (UT Austin)
48 Andrew Tomkins (Google)
48 Philip Torr (Oxford Brookes U)
48 Ben Y. Zhao (UC Santa Barbara)
47 Alex Aiken (Stanford), ACM Fellow
47 Wolfgang Banzhaf (Memorial U Newfoundland)
47 Elizabeth Belding (UC Santa Barbara)
47 Mark Billinghurst (U Canterbury, New Zealand)
47 Horst Bischof (Graz U of Technology)
47 Gaetano Borriello, (U Washington), ACM Fellow
47 Robert K. Brayton (Berkeley)
47 Justine Cassell (CMU)
47 Rina Dechter (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow
47 Inderjit S. Dhillon (UT Austin), ACM Fellow
47 Andrew Gordon (Microsoft)
47 Dirk Grunwald (U Colorado)
47 Carl Gutwin (U Saskatchewan)
47 Greg Hager (Johns Hopkins U)
47 Mary Jean Harrold (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow
47 Matthew Hennessy (U Sussex)
47 Maurice Herlihy (Brown U), ACM Fellow
47 C.A.R. (Tony) Hoare (Microsoft), Turing Award, Fellow of the Royal Society, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
47 Mahmut Kandemir (Penn State)
47 Leonard Kleinrock (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47 Jim Kurose (U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
47 Richard Lipton (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
47 Scott Mahlke (U Michigan)
47 Nasir Memon (Polytechnic Institute of NYU), IEEE Fellow
47 Jeff Offutt (George Mason U)
47 Dimitris Papadias (Hong Kong U of Sci and Tech)
47 George Pappas (U Penn)
47 Yale Patt (UT Austin), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
47 Yong Rui (Microsoft), IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow, SPIE Fellow
47 Shashi Shekhar (U Minnesota), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
47 Claudio Silva (NYU), IEEE Fellow
47 Mary Lou Soffa (U Virginia), ACM Fellow
47 P. N. Suganthan (Nanyang Tech U, Singapore)
47 Michael N. Vrahatis (U Patras)
47 Toby Walsh (NICTA and UNSW)
46 Henri Bal (Vrije U, Amsterdam)
46 Thomas Ball (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
46 Krishnendu Chakrabarty (Duke U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
46 Nick Duffield (AT&T Labs)
46 Max J. Egenhofer (U Maine)
46 Dror Feitelson (Hebrew U)
46 Edward A. Fox (Virginia Tech)
46 Rosario Gennaro (City College of New York)
46 Steve Gribble (U Washington)
46 Nicholas J. Higham (U Manchester), Fellow of the Royal Society, SIAM Fellow
46 John Hopcroft (Cornell), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, SIAM Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
46 Tom Hou (Virginia Tech), IEEE Fellow
46 Katsushi Ikeuchi (U Tokyo)
46 Yannis Ioannidis (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
46 Niraj K. Jha (Princeton), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
46 Eamonn Keogh (UC Riverside)
46 Joe Kilian (Rutgers)
46 Dexter Kozen (Cornell), ACM Fellow
46 Vladimir Lifschitz (UT Austin)
46 Patrick Lincoln (SRI)
46 Margaret Martonosi (Princeton), ACM Fellow
46 Kenneth McMillan (Microsoft)
46 Enrico Motta (The Open University, UK)
46 Zoran Obradovic (Temple U)
46 Shmuel Peleg (Hebrew U)
46 Jean Ponce (ENS)
46 Mooly Sagiv (Tel Aviv University)
46 Mary Shaw (CMU), ACM Fellow
46 Rudi Studer (Karlsruhe Inst Tech)
46 Madhu Sudan (MIT), ACM Fellow
46 Chew Lim Tan (National U Singapore)
46 Rene Vidal (Johns Hopkins U)
46 Emo Welzl (ETH Zurich), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), Member of the German Academy of Sciences
46 Franco Zambonelli (U Modena e Reggio Emilia), IEEE Fellow
46 Matt Welsh (Google)
45 Andrei Broder (Yahoo! Research), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
45 Samir Das (SUNY Stony Brook)
45 Michael Ernst (U Washington), ACM Fellow
45 Anja Feldmann (TU Berlin)
45 Amos Fiat (Tel Aviv U)
45 Patrick J. Flynn (U Notre Dame)
45 Russell Impagliazzo (UCSD)
45 M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT), ACM Fellow, ACM Infosys Foundation Award, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
45 Carl Kesselman (USC/ISI)
45 Ross King (U Manchester)
45 John Koza (Stanford)
45 Arvind Krishnamurthy (U Washington)
45 Rudolf Kruse (U Magdeburg), IEEE Fellow
45 Ed Lazowska, (U Washington), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
45 Victor Lesser (U Mass, Amherst), IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow
45 Ming Li (U Waterloo), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45 Bing Liu (U Illinois at Chicago), IEEE Fellow
45 Heikki Mannila (U Helsinki)
45 Daniel Marcu (USC)
45 Nenad Medvidovic (USC)
45 Daniel Menasce (George Mason U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45 Alberto O. Mendelzon (U Toronto)
45 Bertrand Meyer (ETH Zurich), ACM Fellow, ACM Software System Award, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
45 Dusit Niyato (Nanyang Technological U)
45 John Ousterhout (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
45 Yannis Papakonstantinou (UCSD)
45 Bijan Parsia (U Manchester)
45 Michel Raynal (IRISA)
45 Fred Schneider (Cornell), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
45 Dana Scott (CMU), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
45 Carles Sierra (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain)
45 Eero P. Simoncelli (NYU), IEEE Fellow
45 Mukesh Singhal (UC Merced)
45 Marc Snir (UIUC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
45 Richard Taylor (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow
45 Murat Tekalp (Koc University, Turkey), IEEE Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
45 Mikkel Thorup (AT&T Labs and U Copenhagen), ACM Fellow, Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
45 Jun Wang (The Chinese U of Hong Kong), IEEE Fellow
45 Jarke J. van Wijk (TU Eindhoven)
45 Niklaus Wirth (ETH Zurich), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
45 Mohammed Zaki (RPI)
45 Steven Zucker (Yale)
44 Victor Basili (U Maryland), ACM Fellow
44 Ernst Biersack (Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France)
44 Kenneth Birman (Cornell), ACM Fellow
44 Andrew Brass (U Manchester)
44 Carla Brodley (Tufts University), AAAI Fellow
44 Jan Camenisch (IBM Zurich), IEEE Technical Achievement Award
44 Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran (Ohio State), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow
44 Brian Curless (U Washington)
44 Marlon Dumas (U Tartu)
44 E. Allen Emerson (UT Austin), Turing Award
44 Eleazar Eskin (UCLA)
44 Christos Faloutsos (CMU), ACM Fellow
44 Babak Falsafi (EPFL)
44 Carlo Ghezzi (Politecnico di Milano), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
44 Oded Goldreich (Weizmann), IACR Fellow
44 Shafi Goldwasser (MIT and Weizmann), Turing Award, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, IACR Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
44 Bernd Hamann (UC Davis)
44 Ahmed Helmy (U Florida)
44 Manuel Hermenegildo (IMDEA and U Politecnica Madrid)
44 Thomas Hofmann (Google)
44 Markus Jakobsson (Paypal)
44 Jean-Marc Jezequel (U Rennes and INRIA)
44 Thorsten Joachims (Cornell), ACM Fellow
44 Lydia Kavraki (Rice U), ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, Member of the Institute of Medicine
44 Donald Kossmann (ETH Zurich), ACM Fellow
44 Tao Li (Florida International U)
44 Gail Murphy (U British Columbia)
44 Tobias Nipkow (TU Munich)
44 Paul C. van Oorschot (Carleton U)
44 M. Tamer Özsu (U Waterloo), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
44 Franco Preparata (Brown U), ACM Fellow
44 Robbert van Renesse (Cornell), ACM Fellow
44 Rob Rutenbar (UIUC)
44 Robert E. Schapire (Princeton)
44 Victor Shoup (NYU)
44 Mateo Valero (Technical U Catalonia and Barcelona Supercomputing Center), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
44 Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati (U degli Studi di Milano)
44 Jason Weston (Google)
44 Adam Wolisz (TU Berlin)
44 Ellen Zegura (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow
43 Andrew Appel (Princeton), ACM Fellow
43 Don Batory (UT Austin)
43 Yoshua Bengio (U Montreal)
43 Eli Biham (Technion), IACR Fellow
43 Raouf Boutaba (U Waterloo), IEEE Fellow, EIC Fellow
43 Soumen Chakrabarti (IIT Bombay)
43 Ming-Syan Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
43 Stephen Cook (U Toronto), Turing Award
43 Dorin Comaniciu (Siemens), IEEE Fellow
43 Susan Eggers (U Washington), ACM Fellow
43 Uriel Feige (Weizmann)
43 Daniela Florescu (Oracle)
43 Robert France (Colorado State U)
43 Zvi Galil (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
43 Dennis Gannon (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
43 Michael T. Goodrich (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
43 Joseph Goguen (UCSD)
43 Isabelle Guyon (ClopiNet/ChaLearn)
43 Farnam Jahanian (U Michigan), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
43 Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
43 Won Kim (Sung Kyun Kwan University), ACM Fellow
43 Butler Lampson (Microsoft), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
43 Baochun Li (U Toronto)
43 Barbara Liskov (MIT), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
43 Michael Luck (King's College London)
43 Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology), ACM Fellow
43 Sharad Mehrotra (UC Irvine)
43 Risto Miikkulainen (UT Austin)
43 Robin Milner (U Cambridge), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
43 Nassir Navab (TU Munich and Johns Hopkins U)
43 Martha Stone Palmer (Colorado U)
43 Sharath Pankanti (IBM Watson)
43 Birgit Pfitzmann (IBM Zurich)
43 Dragomir Radev (U Michigan)
43 Krithi Ramamritham (IIT Bombay), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
43 Rajesh Rao (U Washington)
43 Alan Rector (U Manchester)
43 Maarten de Rijke (U Amsterdam)
43 Angela Sasse (U College London)
43 Shlomo Shamai (Technion)
43 Amnon Shashua (Hebrew U)
43 Bernhard Steffen (TU Dortmund)
43 Sung Wing Kin (National U Singapore)
43 Marilyn Walker (UC Santa Cruz)
43 Avi Wigderson (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
43 Pierre Wolper (U Liege)
43 Limsoon Wong (National U Singapore)
42 Karl Aberer (EPFL)
42 Gul Agha (UIUC)
42 Michael Arbib (USC)
42 Barry Boehm (USC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
42 John A. Carroll (U Sussex)
42 Ivan Damgård (Aarhus U), IACR Fellow
42 Adnan Darwiche (UCLA), AAAI Fellow
42 Luc Devroye (McGill U)
42 Josep Domingo-Ferrer (U Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia), IEEE Fellow
42 Bruce R. Donald (Duke U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
42 Keith Edwards (Georgia Tech)
42 Charles Elkan (UCSD)
42 Wulfram Gerstner (EPFL)
42 Gaston H. Gonnet (ETH Zurich)
42 Jan Friso Groote (TU Eindhoven)
42 Robert Harper (CMU), ACM Fellow
42 Wynne Hsu (National U Singapore)
42 Sitharama S. Iyengar (Florida International U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, Member of the European Academy of Sciences
42 Liviu Iftode (Rutgers)
42 Josef Kittler (Surrey U)
42 Anna Karlin (U Washington)
42 Srinivasan Keshav (U Waterloo)
42 Teuvo Kohonen (Academy of Finland), IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
42 Richard E. Ladner (U Washington)
42 Arjen Lenstra (EPFL), IACR Fellow
42 Miron Livny (U Wisconsin)
42 Marco Ajmone Marsan (Politecnico di Torino), IEEE Fellow
42 Jose Meseguer (UIUC)
42 Prasant Mohapatra (UC Davis), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
42 Fionn Murtagh (U London)
42 Andrew Y. Ng (Stanford)
42 Natasha Noy (Stanford)
42 Erkki Oja (Helsinki U of Technology)
42 Beng Chin Ooi (National U Singapore), ACM Fellow
42 Jignesh Patel (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
42 David Poole (U British Columbia)
42 Massimiliano Pontil (U College London)
42 Vivek Sarkar (Rice U), ACM Fellow
42 Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv U), ACM Fellow
42 Thomas Schiex (INRIA, Toulouse)
42 Eugene Spafford (Purdue U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
42 Dean Tullsen (UCSD), ACM Fellow
42 Wei Wang (UCLA)
42 Min Wu (U Maryland), IEEE Fellow
42 Alexander Wolf (Imperial College, London), ACM Fellow
42 Willy Zwaenepoel (EPFL), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
41 Emile Aarts (TU Eindhoven)
41 Mikhail Atallah (Purdue U), ACM Fellow
41 Manuel Blum (CMU), Turing Award, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, IACR Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
41 Alan Borning (U Washington)
41 Terrance E. Boult (U Colorado at Colorado Springs)
41 Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich)
41 Ed G. Coffman (Columbia), ACM Fellow
41 Joelle Coutaz (U Joseph Fourier, Grenoble)
41 Stephane Ducasse (INRIA Lille)
41 Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
41 Boi Faltings (EPFL)
41 Lance Fortnow (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow
41 Harold Gabow (U Colorado), ACM Fellow
41 Patrice Godefroid (Microsoft)
41 Luis Gravano (Columbia)
41 Jonathan Hull (Ricoh), IAPR Fellow
41 Mary Jane Irwin (Penn State), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
41 Michael Kearns (U Penn), ACM Fellow
41 Rich Korf (UCLA), AAAI Fellow
41 David Lowe (U British Columbia)
41 Kwan-Liu Ma (UC Davis)
41 Jan Mendling (WU Vienna)
41 Dale Miller (INRIA)
41 Marvin Minsky (MIT), Turing Award
41 Michael Mozer (U Colorado)
41 Ian Munro (U Waterloo)
41 Richard Muntz (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
41 Sharon Oviatt (Incaa Designs)
41 Jens Palsberg (UCLA)
41 Stefano Paraboschi (U Bergamo)
41 Lawrence C. Paulson (U Cambridge), ACM Fellow
41 Gian Pietro Picco (U Trento)
41 Viktor Prasanna (USC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
41 Arun Somani (Iowa State)
41 Aravind Srinivasan (U Maryland), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
41 Jean-Philippe Thiran (EPFL)
41 Sam Toueg (U Toronto)
41 Uzi Vishkin (U Maryland), ACM Fellow
41 Haixun Wang (Google)
41 Ke Wang (Simon Fraser U)
41 Manfred K. Warmuth (UC Santa Cruz)
41 William Weihl (Facebook)
41 Andrew Yao (Tsinghua U), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, IACR Fellow
41 Eric Yu (U Toronto)
41 Feng Zhao (Microsoft), IEEE Fellow
40 Leonard Adleman (USC), Turing Award
40 Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau (U Wisconsin)
40 Amotz Bar-Noy (Brooklyn College)
40 Craig Chambers (Google)
40 Sunghyun Choi (Seoul National U)
40 Edmund M. Clarke (CMU), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
40 Jan Chomicki (SUNY Buffalo)
40 David Corne (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)
40 Edsger Dijkstra (UT Austin), Turing Award
40 Schahram Dustdar (TU Vienna)
40 Herbert Edelsbrunner (Duke U), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea)
40 Thomas Ertl (U Stuttgart)
40 Nick Feamster (Georgia Tech)
40 Cormac Flanagan (UCSC)
40 Edward Feigenbaum (Stanford), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
40 Yoav Freund (UCSD), AAAI Fellow
40 Venu Govindaraju (U Buffalo), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IAPR Fellow, SPIE Fellow, IEEE Technical Achievement Award
40 Manish Gupta (Goldman Sachs), ACM Fellow
40 Hannes Hartenstein (Karlsruhe Inst Tech)
40 Pavol Hell (Simon Fraser U)
40 Neil D. Jones (DIKU, U Copenhagen), ACM Fellow
40 Ari Juels (RSA)
40 Philipp Koehn (U Edinburgh and Johns Hopkins U)
40 Pedro Larranaga (Technical U Madrid)
40 Seong-Whan Lee (Korea University), IEEE Fellow
40 Brian Neil Levine (U Mass, Amherst)
40 Nancy Lynch (MIT), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
40 Rupak Majumdar (Max Planck and UCLA)
40 Ralph Martin (Cardiff U), Fellow of the British Computer Society
40 Maja Mataric (USC)
40 John Mitchell (Stanford), ACM Fellow
40 David McAllester (Toyota Tech Inst), AAAI Fellow
40 John McCarthy (Stanford), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
40 Luc Moreau (U Southampton)
40 Oscar Nierstrasz (U Bern)
40 David Notkin (U Washington), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
40 John Owens (UC Davis)
40 Mark Pauly (EPFL)
40 Andrzej Pelc (U Quebec en Outaouais)
40 David Pennock (Microsoft)
40 Charles E. Perkins (Nokia-Siemens Networks)
40 Michael O. Rabin (Harvard), Turing Award, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the French Academy of Sciences, Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, IACR Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
40 Sudhakar Reddy (U Iowa), IEEE Fellow
40 Raymond Reiter (U Toronto), ACM Fellow
40 Pablo Rodriguez Rodriguez (Telefonica Research)
40 Yehoshua Sagiv (Hebrew U)
40 Sunita Sarawagi (IIT Bombay)
40 Mihaela van der Schaar (UCLA), IEEE Fellow
40 Assaf Schuster (Technion)
40 Cyrus Shahabi (USC), IEEE Fellow
40 Linda Shapiro (U Washington)
40 Anand Sivasubramaniam (Penn State)
40 Gurindar S. Sohi (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
40 Jacques Stern (ENS, Paris), IACR Fellow
40 S. Sudarshan (IIT Bombay), ACM Fellow
40 Paul Syverson (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), ACM Fellow
40 Patrick Thiran (EPFL)
40 John K. Tsotsos (York U, Canada), FRSC
40 Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL)
40 Frits Vaandrager (Radboud U Nijmegen)
40 Leslie Valiant (Harvard), Turing Award, ACM Fellow
40 Athanasios Vasilakos (U Western Macedonia)
40 Victor Vianu (UCSD), ACM Fellow
40 James H. Wilkinson (National Physical Laboratory, England), Turing Award
40 Xing Xie (Microsoft)
40 Shuicheng Yan (National U Singapore)


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