计算机视觉---期刊 |
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| | Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on | | |
| | International Journal of Computer Vision | | |
| | Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE | | |
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| | Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on | | |
| | Signal Processing Letters, IEEE | | |
| | Digital Signal Processing | | |
| | Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on | | |
| | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | | |
| | Image and Vision Computing | | |
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| | Pattern Recognition Letters | | |
| | Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on | | |
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| Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | | |
| Signal Processing: Image Communication | | |
| | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | | |
| | Signal, Image and Video Processing | | |
| | Journal of Real-Time Image Processing | | |
| | Machine Vision and Applications | | |
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| | Multimedia Tools and Applications | | |
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