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IEEE Signal and Data Science Forum 24-26 April 2016 – Wuhan, China

发表于 2016-3-28 14:06:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

IEEESignal and Data Science Forum
24-26April 2016 – Wuhan, China
Signaland Data Science – Powering Our Digital Life"
Sponsored by the IEEE SignalProcessing Society
NEW! Co-Location andCollaboration with VALSE 2016 –
Come to attend both events!
Since2013, the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has held an annual event of ChinaSIP in China for domestic andinternational scientists, researchers, and practitioners to network and discussthe latest progress in theoretical, technological, and educational aspects ofsignal and information processing.  Complementingthe SPS flagship conference ICASSP being held for the first time in MainlandChina, SPS is holding a special 2016 forum being co-located and in collaborationwith the VALSE 2016, a well received symposia series by the computer vision andlearning community in China.  The IEEESPS 2016 Forum to be held in Wuhan, China, will engage a broad community underthe theme of “Signal and Data Science – Powering Our Digital Life”.
TheIEEE SPS 2016 SIDAS Forum will feature keynote and invited talks, paneldiscussions for professional development, tutorials, R&D demos, and highlightposter presentations of recent work published in highly selective journals and conferences. Presenters will have the opportunity toupload PDF files of their slides or poster material to the SPS’ new SigPort onlinerepository to raise global visibility of their work.  Leveraging the format of VALSE, there will be nosubmissions or reviews of original technical papers at the Forum.  
Call for Research Highlight and Demos:   Authors of recent papers published inhighly selective international journals and conferences are invited tocontribute in the signature poster sessions providing highlights to their work.Highlight posters provide a wonderful way to raise awareness and visibility ofthe research, and allow for productive exchange and discussions between authorsand attendees; demos from academic and industry groups are welcome.  Space is limited, and prior registration andrequest for presentation/demo are required.  Online registration to request for researchhighlight and demo is required.  Acceptancewill be based on quality, topic fitness, and space availability.
·     Theory and Methods of Signal and Data Science
·     Speech, Audio, and Language Processing
·     Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing
·     Communications and Networking
·     Information Forensics & Security (includingBiometrics)
·     Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning in Signaland Data Science
·     Signal and Data Science for Bioinformatics,Neuroscience and Bio/Medicine
·     Multi-channel Signal Processing, Remote Sensing andData Processing
·     Emerging Cross-cutting Topics:  Big Data Analytics and Internet of the Things
·     Industrial Trends and Innovations
·     Keynote, invited talks, and tutorials by renowned expertsand rising stars
·     Panel discussions on professional development,research and education
·     Showcase of recent articles in highly selectivejournals and conferences
·     Demos/Exhibits of academic and industry R&D
·     FREE for general participants; OnlineRegistration is required.
Organizing Team:
General Chairs:  SHAN Shiguang (CAS), XIONG Zixiang (TexasA&M U.), CHEN Jingdong (NPU)
Technical Chairs: BAI Xiang (HUST), XU Dong (Univ. Sydney), GAO Feifei(Tsinghua), CHEN Zhenzhong (Wuhan U.)


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