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TPAMI最新文章:Dictionary learning for sparse coding: algorithms and convergence anal

发表于 2015-10-9 11:15:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Title:Dictionary learning for sparse coding: algorithms and convergence analysis

Main Content: In this paper, we proposed a numerical method for solving various minimization problems in dictionary learning and sparse coding. The proposed algorithm is not only empirically fast, but also with guaranteed convergence property, i.e. the generated sequence converges to a critical point. Besides, the proposed method can be extended to many other non-convex and non-smooth problems with the same convergence property.


Bao, chenglong(包承龙), Ji, Hui (纪辉), Quan, Yuhui (全宇晖), Shen, Zuowei(沈佐伟)
Ji, Hui’s homepage:
Shen, Zuowei’s homepage:


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