Special Issue on New Trends for Pattern Recognition: Theory & Applications
Description: In neuroscience, pattern recognition is a cognitive process that attempts to match a given situation that can be defined by a peace of information, an image, a music tune, with its counterpart, which is generally identified as the pattern that is stored in memory. The recognized patterns can be those perceived in facial features, units of music, components of language or characters and other symbols. In computation, pattern recognition is an automated analysis of collected attributes of objects, events, etc. to classify them into categories. It is an important part of machine learning. It attempts to identify patterns in incoming data. Pattern recognition can be achieved either via supervised learning, by training the system with some labeled patterns, unsupervised learning attempting to identify inherent patterns in the training data set that can be used later to yield correct outputs for new data instances. A combination of supervised and unsupervised learning is a third way to achieve pattern recognition. Examples of applications of pattern recognition encompass automatically reading hand-written text to classify it into letters and words; analyzing fingerprints to find out the owner; recognizing people’s face to identify them, finding buildings in a satellite image; identifying the kind of used gun from its bullet mark (Ballistics); analyzing test results providing decision support for medical diagnosis. The focus of this special issue to be published in Elsevier Journal on Neurocomputing will be on all aspects of pattern recognition, including methods and applications. Contributions describing new methods and algorithms to advance pattern recognition state-of-the–art interms of minimizing average error, minimizing the risk of wrong decisions, accelerating the process are of special interest. Furthermore, applications of pattern recognition methods to solve real-world problems, interdisciplinary research are also encouraged. Selected papers form LA-CCI and CBIC 2015 will be invited to extend their paper for possible inclusion in the special issue. Timeline (tentative): Paper submission: 28 February 2016; Decision notification: 27 June 2016; Camera-ready submission: 29 August 2016 The submissions will be handled through the Electronic Editorial System of Elsevier. Prospective authors are invited to register athttp://ees.elsevier.com/neucom/ and submit their papers electronically in a format consistent with the author submission guidelines of Neurocomputing. When submitting, please indicate that your manuscript is a Special Issue Paper and select the topic PATREC, when prompted by the system. For questions regarding submissions to the special issue, please contact one of the guest editors. For technical questions regarding the submission website, please contact the managing guest editors. Guest Editors: Fernando Buarque,
Polytechnic School of Pernambuco,
University of Pernambuco – UPE