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CFP: Multimedia Tools and application Special Issue on Visual Saliency Computati









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2015-4-8 10:28:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Visual saliency computation has been one of themost active research topics in the past decades, and has received growingattention across many disciplines including cognitive psychology, neurobiology,image processing, and computer vision. The ability of human visual systems toquickly locate important image regions and process them in priority hasinspired a series of key research topics, including fixation prediction,salient object detection, and objectness proposal generation. One of the keyforces behind these sub-topics is the vast amount of applications with diverserequirements and emphasis.
While significant progress on saliency modelinghas been established in recent years, a large amount of open challenges stillneed to be further explored, e.g. novel applications to robustly explore theimperfect saliency predictions, exploring new multimedia sensors, relationshipbetween fixation prediction, salient object detection, and object proposalgeneration. It is desirable to explore computational saliency detectionalgorithms in a variety of interesting applications for improving theirperformance, while effectively broadening the scope of saliency based methodsand applications. Thus, we invite original research articles to report thelatest advances in all related research areas to be published in the specialissue of MultimediaTools and application and have a face to face communication in ICIG 2015. The topicsof interest include, but are not limited to:
●      Humanfixations prediction in image/video;
●      Salientobject detection in image/video;
●      Objectnessproposal models;
●      Saliencydetection using multimodal data;
●      Visualsaliency for various applications;
●      Saliencybenchmark & evaluation metrics;
Guest Editors
●      Ming-MingCheng, Nankai University, Tianjin, China,
●      Ali Borji, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,Milwaukee, US,
●      EsaRahtu, University of Oulu, Finland,
●      JingdongWang, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China,
Submission instructions
The ICIG2015[1] invites related paper submissions, among which highquality research papers will be invited for further extensions to be consideredby the special issue of Multimedia Tools and application. Thejournal special issue also welcomes open submissions. When submitting yourmanuscript to the journal special issue (, at the step of “Select Article Type”,please indicate: “Visual Saliency Computations & Applications”.
Submission in ICIG 2015
●     Submission deadline: March 31,  2015
●     Notification of acceptance:  May 10, 2015
●     Camera-ready papers: May 25,  2015
●   Author registration: May 25, 2015
●        Paper submission due:  September 15, 2015
●        First-round notification:  November 15, 2015
●        Revision Due: January 1, 2016
●        Final decision: February 15,  2016
●        Publication date: Fall 2016  (Tentative)

[1]Please refer to ICIG 2015 official webpage ( instructions about conference submission.


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