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The First International Workshop on Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition (DLPR

发表于 2016-7-11 14:09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Call for papers and posters

The First International Workshop on Deep Learning for PatternRecognition (DLPR 2016) - a VALSE Special Event

To be held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference onPattern Recognition ICPR 2016

December 4, 2016. Cancun Center, Cancun, Q.Roo, Mexico Workshopsite: (ToDo)

The major goal of this workshop is to provide a platform forresearchers or graduate students around the world to share their progresses ondeep learning for pattern recognition.

Paper Submission
Paper Submission must be written in English, with length betweenfour and six double column pages adhering to the ICPR conference submissionguidelines. The templates for 6 pages length Paper (A4 format) in Word or Latexcan be downloaded from

Submission is handledthrough the EasyChair system available from here.Reviewing will be single-blind. In submitting a paper the authors acknowledgethat no paper substantially similar in content has been or will be submittedelsewhere during the DLPR16 review period. Accepted papers that were presentedat the workshop will be published via IEEE Xplore. Some of accepted papers will be invited to the JournalSpecial Issues of Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier) and Frontier of Computer Science(Springer).

Poster Submission
This workshop will follow the Vision And Learning SEminar (VALSE)fashion to invite posters. Authors of recent relevant papers published inhighly selective international journals and conferences are encouraged tocontribute in the poster session providing highlights of their work. Posterapplication is by e-mail to Workshop Chair at . Accepted postersthat were invited will be presented at the workshop. Authors of the invitedposters do not have to pay any registration fee for this workshop, onlyrequired registering to the main conference of ICPR16

Important dates(tentative)
31 Aug. 2016               Papersubmission deadline
15 Sep. 2016                Notificationof paper acceptance
30 Oct. 2016                Postersubmission deadline
7 Nov. 2016                 Notificationof poster acceptance
TBA 2016                    Camera-readycopy due
4 December 2016        Workshop

Scope and Topics
l Deep learning architectures forpattern recognition
l Optimization for deep learning
l Sparse coding in deep learning
l Transfer learning for deeplearning
l Deep learning for featurerepresentation
l Deep learning for facialanalysis
l Deep learning for objectrecognition
l Deep learning for sceneunderstanding
l Deep learning for documentanalysis
l Deep learning for dimensionreduction
l Deep learning for activityrecognition
l Deep learning for semanticsegmentation
l Deep learning for generativemodeling
l Deep learning for biometrics
l Multi-modal deep learning
l Performance evaluation of deeplearning algorithms

Keynote Speakers

Workshop Chairs
Xiang Bai                 HuazhongUniversity Science and Technology
Zhaoxiang Zhang     Instituteof Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shiguang Shan         Instituteof Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chunhua Shen         Universityof Adelaide
Yi Fang                   NewYork University Abu Dhabi and New York University
Jingdong Wang       MicrosoftResearch Asia
Yangqing Jia           Facebook
Shuicheng Yan        NationalUniversity of Singapore


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