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20151014-32 人脸对齐报告暨后博士时代专题Panel

2015-10-9 21:33| 发布者: 彭玺ASTAR| 查看: 8466| 评论: 0

摘要: 【15-32期VALSE Webinar活动】Panel主题:后博士时代Panel嘉宾:廖春元(亮风台) 周谷越 (大疆创新科技) 黄飞跃(腾讯优图)林倞(中山大学)左旺孟(哈尔滨工业大学)孟德宇(西安交通大学)张兆翔(中科院自动 ...

【15-32期VALSE Webinar活动】

报告标题:Face alignment in the wild: mirrorability and sensitivity  [Slides]
参考文献:Heng Yang, Ioannis Patras, Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me, is the error small? CVPR2015.
报告内容:The problem of face alignment or facial landmarks localisation has been intensively studied in recent years given its wide applications such as face recognition, affective computing and facial animation. A large number of novel methods have been proposed and reported very good performance. In this talk, I will present my work on evaluating face alignment from two different aspects, namely mirrorability and sensitivity. Mirrorabilty is defined as the ability of an algorithm to give on a mirror image bilaterally symmetric results. I will show its property and how it can be used in evaluating and improving cascaded face alignment performance. In terms of sensitivity, I will present my  empirical study on how recent face alignment methods perform under the circumstance of  initialisation (face detection) changes.
报告人简介:Heng Yang received the PhD degree from Queen Mary University of London in 2015, and the Bsc and MEng . degree from National University of Defense Technology in 2009 and 2011, respectively. He is a research associate at Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. His research interests include face alignment, human pose estimation, affective computing, and applied machine learning.

Panel嘉宾:廖春元(亮风台) 周谷越 (大疆创新科技) 黄飞跃(腾讯优图) 林倞(中山大学) 左旺孟(哈尔滨工业大学) 孟德宇(西安交通大学) 张兆翔(中科院自动化所) 
你是否还在为读博士的目的而迷茫?你是否还在为博士毕业的出路而困惑?你是否还在犹豫未来是进入高校从事教职,还是加盟企业做研发,或是漂洋过海做PostDoc,乃至奋不顾身去创业?你在思考这些问题的时候,是否也期望聆听一下前辈们(特别是这几年的过来人)的肺腑之言与经验分享? 10月14日,VALSE Webinar将举行一期“后博士时代 ”的专题Panel。本Panel邀请了博士毕业后投身高校、工业界、创业、出国做博士后等不同选择的多位前辈老师,现身说法,互动问答,剖析利弊,恳谈感想。Panel活动时间大约为1个小时,包括嘉宾畅谈博士去向与选择原因环节,以及和主持人与群友的互动讨论环节。


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