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20150923-30 颜水成;华刚;王晓刚;张驰原-专题Panel

2015-9-21 09:12| 发布者: 彭玺ASTAR| 查看: 9082| 评论: 0

摘要: 【15-30期VALSE Webinar活动】报告标题:Mocha.jl - Deep Learning for Julia 报告嘉宾:Chiyuan Zhang(张弛原),麻省理工学院报告标题:Mocha.jl - Deep Learning for Julia报告时间:2015年9月23日(星期三)晚2 ...

【15-30期VALSE Webinar活动】

报告标题:Mocha.jl - Deep Learning for Julia [Slides]
报告嘉宾Chiyuan Zhang(张弛原),麻省理工学院
报告标题:Mocha.jl - Deep Learning for Julia
报告内容:Mocha.jl is an efficient and flexible deep learning framework for Julia, a high-level dynamic language designed specifically for scientific and technical computing. Mocha.jl supports multiple computation backends, including CPUs and GPUs (with CUDA and cuDNN). I will briefly introduce Julia to the potential audience who is not familiar with this new language. After that, I will use an example to illustrate the user interfaces of Mocha.jl and also introduce the design and architecture behind the library implementations.
报告人简介:Chiyuan Zhang received the BS degree and Master degree in Computer Science from Zhejiang University, China, in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He is currently a PhD candidate at Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, USA. His research interests include machine learning and computational neuroscience, as well as application to processing / analysis of speech, vision and other kinds real-world signals.



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