为了使得视觉与学习领域相关从业者快速及时地了解领域的最新发展动态和前沿技术进展,VALSE最新推出了《论文速览》栏目,将在每周发布一至两篇顶会顶刊论文的录制视频,对单个前沿工作进行细致讲解。本期VALSE论文速览选取了来自西北工业大学戴玉超教授团队,针对动态场景的新视角合成问题,使用前向流运动模型替代传统的后向流运动模型,缓解后向流运动模型的不平滑性,降低运动模型的拟合难度,从而提升场景几何结构和运动的重建精度,进而提升图像合成质量。视频录制者为郭相。 论文题目: Forward Flow for Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes 作者列表: 郭相 (西北工业大学), 孙家岱 (西北工业大学), 戴玉超 (西北工业大学), 陈冠英 (香港中文大学(深圳)), 叶晓青 (百度), 谭啸 (百度), 丁二锐 (百度), 张雨蒙 (百度), 王井东 (百度) B站观看网址: 论文摘要: This paper proposes a neural radiance field (NeRF) approach for novel view synthesis of dynamic scenes using forward warping. Existing methods often adopt a static NeRF to represent the canonical space, and render dynamic images at other time steps by mapping the sampled 3D points back to the canonical space with the learned \emph{backward flow} field. However, this backward flow field is non-smooth and discontinuous, which is difficult to be fitted by commonly used smooth motion models. To address this problem, we propose to estimate the \emph{forward flow} field and directly warp the canonical radiance field to other time steps. Such forward flow field is smooth and continuous within the object region, which benefits the motion model learning. To achieve this goal, we represent the canonical radiance field with voxel grids to enable efficient forward warping, and propose a differentiable warping process, including an average splatting operation and an inpaint network, to resolve the many-to-one and one-to-many mapping issues. Thorough experiments show that our method outperforms existing methods in both novel view rendering and motion modeling, demonstrating the effectiveness of our forward flow motion modeling. 论文链接: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.17390]
视频讲者简介: 郭相是西北工业大学在读博士生,导师为戴玉超教授。2012年至2018年,在澳大利亚国立大学获得本科和硕士学位。目前在百度实习。主要研究方向为新视角生成和视觉定位,在ICCV,ACCV和ICPR发表多篇论文。新视角生成方面,主要的兴趣是关于动态场景的建模,训练加速,位姿优化等方向。视觉定位方面,主要的研究话题为基于隐式表达的视觉定位。 特别鸣谢本次论文速览主要组织者: 月度轮值AC:张瑞茂 (香港中文大学 (深圳)) 活动参与方式 1、VALSE每周举行的Webinar活动依托B站直播平台进行,欢迎在B站搜索VALSE_Webinar关注我们! 直播地址: https://live.bilibili.com/22300737; 历史视频观看地址: https://space.bilibili.com/562085182/ 2、VALSE Webinar活动通常每周三晚上20:00进行,但偶尔会因为讲者时区问题略有调整,为方便您参加活动,请关注VALSE微信公众号:valse_wechat 或加入VALSE QQ T群,群号:863867505); *注:申请加入VALSE QQ群时需验证姓名、单位和身份,缺一不可。入群后,请实名,姓名身份单位。身份:学校及科研单位人员T;企业研发I;博士D;硕士M。 3、VALSE微信公众号一般会在每周四发布下一周Webinar报告的通知。 4、您也可以通过访问VALSE主页:http://valser.org/ 直接查看Webinar活动信息。Webinar报告的PPT(经讲者允许后),会在VALSE官网每期报告通知的最下方更新。 |
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