报告嘉宾2:吴金建(西安电子科技大学) 报告时间:2017年2月22日(星期三)晚21:00(北京时间) 报告题目:基于视皮层方位选择特性的模版提取及其在质量评价中的应用 主持人: 董伟生(西安电子科技大学) 报告摘要: The human visual system is highly adaptive to extract structure information for scene perception, and structure character is widely used in perception-oriented image processing works. However, the existing structure descriptors mainly describe the luminance contrast of a local region, but cannot effectively represent the spatial correlation of structure. In this paper, we introduce a novel structure descriptor. Inspired by the orientation selectivity mechanism in the primary visual cortex, we compute the correlations among pixels in a local region to introduce a novel orientation selectivity based pattern. Then, taking both the gradient magnitude and the orientation selectivity based pattern into account, a rotation invariant structure descriptor is introduced. The proposed structure descriptor is applied in texture classification and reduced reference image quality assessment to demonstrate its effectiveness. 参考文献: [1] Jinjian Wu, et al., "Orientation Selectivity based Visual Pattern for Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment", Information Science, vol.351, pp.18-29, July 2016. (Source code is available at http://web.xidian.edu.cn/wjj/index.html) [2] Jinjian Wu, , et al., "Visual Orientation Selectivity based Structure Description", IEEE TIP, Vol. 24, No. 11, PP. 4602-4613, Nov. 2015. [3] Jinjian Wu, et al., “Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment with Orientation Selectivity based Visual Pattern”, IEEE ChinaSIP 2015, Chengdu, Sichuan.. 报告人简介: 吴金建,男,现为西安电子科技大学副教授,陕西省科协首届(2015)“青年人才托举计划”入选者。吴金建分别于2008年6月、2014年6月获得西安电子科技大学学士、博士学位。2011年9月至2014年8月,赴新加坡南洋理工大学从事助理研究员、博士后研究员工作。吴金建长期从事视觉主观感知建模、视觉分辨能力估计、图像客观质量评价等方面的理论和应用研究。已发表相关学术论文30余篇,获IEEE电路与系统旗舰会议ISCAS2013“最佳学生论文奖”。担任了IEEE TIP、IEEE TMM、IEEE TCSVT等十余个国际著名期刊的审稿专家,担任了IEEE ICME、IEEE ChinaSIP、PCM等二十余个国际学术会议分会主席、程序委员会委员或审稿专家。 特别鸣谢本次Webinar主要组织者: VOOC责任委员:吴金建(西电) VODB协调理事:董伟生(西电),曹汛(南大) |
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