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详细版 简易版


08:30-08:40 开幕式

08:40-09:30 马毅 报告题目待定

09:30-10:20 山世光 Visual Representation and Metrics for Classification with Image Sets

10:20-10:40 休息、照相

10:40-11:30 樊彬 局部图像特征描述

11:30-12:20 林倞 Inference and Learning with Grammar Models for Visual Recognition

12:20-14:00 午餐

14:00-14:50 张磊 Sparse Representation and Low Rank Methods for Image Restoration and Classification

14:50-15:40 Poster Spotlight (每篇文章1分钟)

15:40-17:10 休息&顶会牛刊Poster及demo展示

17:10-18:00 吴飞 Deep multi-modal embedding for cross-media retrieval



08:30-09:20 黄昌兵,双眼多维度信息整合与知觉学习

09:20-10:10 徐东,SVM based approaches for domain adaptation

10:10-10:30 休息

10:30-11:20 耿新,标记分布学习及其在计算机视觉中的应用

11:20-12:10 卢湖川 目标跟踪技术应用研究

12:10-13:30 午餐

13:30-13:50 VALSE2015申办投票(所有现场参会人员有同等投票权)

13:50-14:40 袁晓彤 Sparsity-Constrained Optimization: Greedy Algorithms and Applications in Data

14:40-15:30 朱军Bayesian Learning with Rich Side Information

15:30-15:40 休息

15:40-17:20 Panel Discussions

17:20-17:30 闭幕式