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20190327-06 人脸识别:路在何方?FaceRecognition:WheretoGo?

2019-3-25 15:07| 发布者: 程一-计算所| 查看: 3895| 评论: 0

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主题:人脸识别:路在何方?Face Recognition: Where to Go?


报告嘉宾:刘小明(Michigan State University)

报告题目:3D Face Modeling, Reconstruction and its Role in Face Recognition

报告嘉宾:华刚(Wormpex AI Research)

报告题目:Efficient, Accurate, and Robust Face Recognition


  1. 人脸识别是一个solved problem吗?现有SOTA系统还有什么不足需要继续深挖?学术界、工业界和用户对识别系统性能的评价有何不同理解?何时可以说一个问题是solved?

  2. 学术界应该如何面对工业界靠数据取胜的局面?除了靠数据,还有什么可以提高性能?比如现在很多系统对儿童的识别会差一些,是数据问题还是算法问题?

  3. 学术界需要什么样的新benchmark?人脸识别中的小样本问题如何定义?Open-set问题又该如何定义?

  4. 1:1场景下,验证率不低于95%时,现有SOTA人脸识别系统的FAR能到亿分之一吗?

  5. 在1:N场景,N=10万人,且Open-set场景下,在识别率不低于95%时,FAR能到0.1%或更低吗?

  6. 现有人脸识别系统什么情况下比人类强?什么时候不如?

  7. 是否有必要以及如何提升现有人脸识别系统的可解释性?




报告嘉宾:刘小明(Michigan State University)


报告题目:3D Face Modeling, Reconstruction and its Role in Face Recognition


Xiaoming Liu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Michigan State University. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004. Before joining MSU in Fall 2012, he was a research scientist at General Electric (GE) Global Research. His research interests include computer vision, patter recognition, biometrics and machine learning. He is the recipient of 2018 Withrow Distinguished Scholar Award from Michigan State University. As a co-author, he is a recipient of Best Industry Related Paper Award runner-up at ICPR 2014, Best Student Paper Award at WACV 2012 and 2014, and Best Poster Award at BMVC 2015. He has been an Area Chair for numerous conferences, including FG, ICPR, WACV, ICIP, ICCV, and CVPR. He is the Co-Program Chair of BTAS 2018 and WACV 2018 conference. He is an Associate Editor of Neurocomputing journal and Pattern Recognition Letters. He is a guest editor for International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) Special Issue on Deep Learning for Face Analysis, and ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) Special Issue on Face Analysis for Applications. He has authored more than 100 scientific publications, and has filed 26 U.S. patents. His work has been cited over 5000 times according to Google Scholar, and has an H-index of 40.



After many years of face recognition research, one question in the community is how to push face recognition to the next level. We view that utilizing 3D geometry information in the recognition pipeline is one potential avenue to grow. This talk will present some of our recent work in 3D face modeling from a collection of in-the-wild images, or raw scans. We will also discuss how the increasingly accurate 3D geometry information may benefit face recognition systems.


[1]  Luan Tran, Xiaoming Liu, “Nonlinear 3D Face Morphable Model,” in Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018), Salt Lake City, UT, June 2018.

[2]  Feng Liu, Luan Tran, and Xiaoming Liu, "3D Face Modeling from Diverse Raw Scan Data," arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.04943 (2019).

报告嘉宾:华刚(Wormpex AI Research)


报告题目:Efficient, Accurate, and Robust Face Recognition


Gang Hua is currently Vice President and Chief Scientist of Wormpex AI Research (便利蜂人工智能研究院). Before that, he served at various roles at Microsoft including Technical/Science Advisor of CVP, Director of Computer Vision Science in Redmond and Taipei ATL, and Principal Researcher/Research Manager. His research focuses on computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, robotics, towards general Artificial Intelligence. He is the recipient of the 2015 IAPR Young Biometrics Investigator Award for his contribution to Unconstrained Face Recognition from Images and Videos. He is a Program Chair for CVPR'2019 and CVPR’2022. He has served as Area Chairs for many top international conferences. He is currently an Associate Editor in Chief for CVIU, and Associate Editors for IJCV, IEEE T-IP, IEEE T-CSVT, IEEE Multimedia, and MVA. He is a IEEE Fellow, an IAPR Fellow, and an ACM Distinguished Scientist.



Face recognition has matured to a stage to support a lot of commercial applications. Nevertheless, there are still lots of challenges need to be addressed. I will start the talk with a brief status quo of face recognition research and development in both academia and industry. Then, I will summarize some of our recent research works on efficient and accurate face detection and recognition, and how we may deal with adversarial attacks using an identity preserving deep generative models. I will conclude my talks with recent trends in the research community in face recognition.


[1] Jianmin Bao*, Dong Chen, Fang Wen, Houqiang Li, and Gang Hua, "Towards Open-Set Identity Preserving Face Synthesis," in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'2018), Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2018.

[2] Jianmin Bao*, Dong Chen, Fang Wen, Houqiang Li, and Gang Hua, "CVAE-GAN: Fine-Grained Image Generation through Asymetric Training," in Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV'2017), Venice, Italy, October, 2017. 

[3] Jiaolong Yang*, Peiran Ren, Dongqing Zhang, Dong Chen, Fang Wen, Hongdong Li, and Gang Hua, "Neural Aggregation Networks for Video Face Recognition," in Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'2017), Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2017.



中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院研究员,数字所所长,广东省机器视觉与虚拟现实重点实验室常务副主任。入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、是广东省特支计划科技创新领军人才、深圳鹏程学者长期特聘教授。从事计算机视觉、深度学习和机器人等领域的研究,已在包括PAMI,T-IP,IJCV,CVPR, ICCV,ECCV,AAAI等重要国际会议和期刊上发表学术论文170余篇,多次在ChaLearn, LSun, ActivityNet,EmotionW等国际评测中取得第一,获ImageNet 2016场景分类任务第二名。




Heng Yang, Founder and CEO of Shenzhen AiMall Tech since 2018, before that he worked as the CTO of a startup. He received  his PhD degree from Queen Mary University of London with thesis on Face Alignment in the Wild in 2015. Before joining industry in 2016, he worked as a research associate at University of Cambridge on the topic of animal health monitoring by looking at the face. He has published around 20 academic papers including CVPR/ICCV/TIP. He has rich experience in face application in industry and provided enormous solutions  (face tracking, recognition and liveness detection, etc)  to many international clients.





主办AC:欧阳万里(The University of Sydney)



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