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20160810-26吴田富:From Statistical Visual Modeling and Computing to...

2016-8-6 08:29| 发布者: 程一-计算所| 查看: 8126| 评论: 0

摘要: 报告嘉宾: 吴田富, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the Visual Narrative Cluster, 北卡州立大学 (North Carolina State University)报告时间: 2016年8月10日(星期三)晚21:00(北 ...
  • 报告嘉宾: 吴田富,  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the Visual Narrative Cluster, 北卡州立大学 (North Carolina State University)
  • 报告时间: 2016年8月10日(星期三)晚21:00(北京时间)
  • 主持人: 林倞(中山大学)
  • 报告题目:From Statistical Visual Modeling and Computing to Communicative Learning

  • 文章信息:
  • Online Object Tracking, Learning and Parsing with And-Or Graphs, Tianfu Wu , Yang Lu and Song-Chun Zhu, TPAMI(under revision), arXiv 1509.08067

  • 报告摘要:
  • Modern technological advances produce data at breathtaking scales and complexities such as the images and videos on the web. Such big data require highly expressive models for their representation, understanding and prediction. To fit such models to the big data, it is essential to develop practical learning methods and fast inferential algorithms. My research has been focused on learning expressive hierarchical models and fast inference algorithms with homogeneous representation and architecture to tackle the underlying complexities in such heterogeneous big data from statistical perspectives. In this talk,  I will first show our latest development of a restricted Visual Turing test system and its potential application on News videos. Then, I will use online object tracking as a running task to explain my methods of teaching a computer to learn expressive models and fast inference algorithm in a cooperative manner. To address the limited bandwidth in the current visual Turing test, I will present my on-going on life-long communicative learning based on situated dialogue which integrates the deep perception of visual content and the perception of "dark matter" including human's beliefs, intents, goals and even values. 

  • 报告人简介:
  • Tianfu Wu is currently an assistant professor in the ECE department and the visual narrative cluster at NC State University. He was a research assistant professor in the center for vision, cognition, learning and autonomy (VCLA) at UCLA department of statistics.  He received  Ph.D. in Statistics from UCLA in 2011 under the supervision of Prof. Song-Chun Zhu.  His research has been focused on computer vision and life-long communicative learning from the perspective of  statistical modeling, inference and learning:  (i) Statistical learning of large scale and highly expressive hierarchical and compositional models from visual big data (images and videos).  (ii) Statistical inference by learning near-optimal cost-sensitive decision policies. (iii) Statistical theory of performance guaranteed learning algorithm and optimally scheduled inference procedure. (iv) Statistical framework of a restricted vision Turing test and life-long communicative learning.


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