
Spotlight 指南

Poster的Spotlight时间为9日15:15-16:30,每人1分钟。届时,请Poster汇报人按照工作人员的指示,提前在会场前台附近依次(按分配的Poster号)排队等候, 按时依次上台介绍自己的论文内容。为此,请报告人务必做到以下几点:

  1. Spotlight的Slides必须用Powerpoint撰写(务必使用模板),长度为1页;
  2. 请务必在1分钟内介绍完毕,主持人会严格按照时间切换PPT,如有动画,务必调好时间;
  3. 请在4月20日24:00之前将Spotlight Slides发给到valse2015poster@126.com(邮件标题请设置为“VALSE2015 Spotlight Submission”),因我们需要时间集成所有的Poster slides,截止时间之后发来的slides,恕不能包含在最终Spotlight Slides中,您也失去上台展示Spotlight的机会。

墙报制作 指南

  1. 会场提供的展板规格为高200cm×宽150cm,请预留边距;
  2. 会议组织方不提供墙报打印等服务,请务必打印好带来会场。请不要在墙报上显示poster编号
  3. 会议期间展板将一直提供,故您可在8日会议开始前张贴墙报,直至会议结束再取下;
  4. VALSE2015墙报展示时间定为9日16:30-18:30。在这段时间内请您务必在墙报附近等候,以便与参会者交流您的研究成果。

系统演示 指南

  1. 会场提供的桌子尺寸为长150cm×宽75cm,带电源;
  2. 会议组织方不提供笔记本等服务,请演示人员自带;
  3. VALSE2015系统展示时间定为9日16:30-18:30。在这段时间内请您务必在演示系统桌边等候,以便与参会者交流您的研究成果。

Poster 名单

编号 姓名 单位 题目 期刊/会议 领域
程明明 南开大学 ImageSpirit: Verbal Guided Image Parsing ACM Transactions on Graphics 3D computer vision
冷聪 中科院自动化研究所 Fast and Accurate Image Matching with Cascade Hashing for 3D Reconstruction CVPR2014 3D computer vision
马佳义 武汉大学 Robust Point Matching via Vector Field Consensus TIP2014 3D computer vision
郭裕兰 国防科学技术大学 Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition IJCV2013 3D computer vision
郭晓杰 中科院信息工程研究所 Robust Separation of Reflection from Multiple Images CVPR2014 Computational photography, photometry, shape from X
樊鑫 大连理工大学 Fiducial Facial Point Extraction Using a Novel Projective Invariant TIP2015 Face and gesture
李东 广东工业大学 Design and Learn Distinctive Features from Pore-scale Facial Keypoints PR2015 Face and gesture
李慧斌 西安交通大学 Towards 3D Face Recognition in the Real: A Registration-Free Approach Using Fine-Grained Matching of 3D Keypoint Descriptors IJCV2014 Face and gesture
金鑫 北京电子科技学院 Face Illumination Manipulation using a Single Reference Image by Adaptive Layer Decomposition TIP2013 Face and gesture
黄智武 中科院计算技术研究所 Coupling Alignments with Recognition for Still-to-Video Face Recognition ICCV2013 Face and gesture
阚美娜 中科院计算技术研究所 Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition: Targetize Source Domain Bridged by Common Subspace IJCV2014 Face and gesture
欧卫华 贵州师范大学 Robust Face Recognition via Occlusion Dictionary Learning PR2015 Face and gesture
王雯 中国科学院计算技术研究所 Discriminant Analysis on Riemannian Manifold of Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition with Image Sets CVPR2015 Face and gesture
吴家祥 中科院自动化研究所 Bayesian Co-Boosting for Multi-modal Gesture Recognition JMLR2014 Face and gesture
庄连生 中国科学技术大学 Sparse Illumination Learning and Transfer for Single-Sample Face Recognition with Image Corruption and Misalignment IJCV2014 Face and gesture
栾晓 重庆邮电大学 Extracting Sparse Error of Robust PCA for Face Recognition in the Presence of Varying Illumination and Occlusion PR2014 Face and gesture
张杰 中科院计算技术研究所 Coarse-to-Fine Auto-encoder Networks (CFAN) for Real-time Face Alignment ECCV2014 Face and gesture
梁小丹 中山大学 Deep Human Parsing with Active Template Regression PAMI2015 Face and gesture
杨松帆 四川大学 Zapping Index: A Measurement of Advertisement Zapping Likelihood from Smile TAC2014 Face and gesture
陈运锦 国防科学技术大学 Insights into Analysis Operator Learning: from Patch-based Models to Higher-order MRFs TIP2014 Low-level vision and image processing
高绍兵 电子科技大学 Efficient Color Constancy with Local Surface Reflectance Statistics ECCV2014 Low-level vision and image processing
张林 同济大学 VSI: A Visual Saliency Induced Index for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment TIP2014 Low-level vision and image processing
赵婷婷 天津科技大学 Analysis and Improvement of Policy Gradient Estimation NIPS2011 Low-level vision and image processing
李马丁 北京大学 Adaptive General Scale Interpolation Based on Weighted Autoregressive Models TCSVT2015 Low-level vision and image processing
何亮田 电子科技大学 Iterative Support Detection Based Split Bregman Method for Wavelet Frame Based Image Inpainting TIP2014 Low-level vision and image processing
杨开富 电子科技大学 Efficient Illuminant Estimation for Color Constancy Using Grey Pixels CVPR2015 Low-level vision and image processing
杨路  电子科技大学 Pixel-to-Model Distance for Robust Background Reconstruction TCSVT 2015 Low-level vision and image processing
李汉曦 江西师范大学 DeepTrack: Learning Discriminative Feature Representations Online for Robust Visual Tracking BMVC2014, ACCV2014 Motion and Tracking
王乃岩 香港科技大学 On the Understanding and Diagnosis of Visual Tracking System Arxiv2015 Motion and Tracking
汤进 安徽大学计算机学院 Robust Feature Matching with Sparse Model TIP2014 Optimization methods
赖志辉 深圳大学 Sparse Tensor Discriminant Analysis TIP2013 Optimization methods
刘光灿 南京信息工程大学 Recovery of Coherent Data via Low-Rank Dictionary Pursuit NIPS2014 Optimization methods
黄飞虎 南京航空航天大学 Joint Learning of Multiple Sparse Matrix Gaussian Graphical Models TNNLS2014 Optimization methods
许勇 华南理工大学 Discriminative Structured Dictionary Learning with Hierarchical Group Sparsity CVIU2015 Optimization methods
张弘扬 北京大学 Exact Recoverability of Robust PCA via Outlier Pursuit with Tight Recovery Bounds AAAI2015 Optimization methods
桂杰 中科院合肥智能机械研究所 How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis and Its Kernel Version? TCSVT2014 Optimization methods
鲁潇潇 大连理工大学 From Dictionary of Visual Words to Subspaces: Locality-constrained Affine Subspace Coding CVPR2015 Optimization methods
聂为之 天津大学 Clique-graph Matching by Preserving Global & Local Structure CVPR2015 Optimization methods
李春光 北京邮电大学 Structured Sparse Subspace Clustering: A Unified Optimization Framework CVPR2015 Optimization methods
王兴刚 华中科技大学 Robust Subspace Discovery via Relaxed Rank Minimization, Neural Computation. Neural Computation 2014 Optimization methods
许春燕 华中科技大学 新加坡国立大学 Discriminative Analysis for Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on Lie Groups TCSVT2014 Optimization methods
肖阳 华中科技大学 mCENTRIST: a Multi-channel Feature Generation Mechanism for Scene Categorizationn TIP2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
白翔 华中科技大学 Symmetry-Based Text Line Detection in Natural Scene CVPR2015 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
黄迪 北京航空航天大学 HSOG: A Novel Local Image Descriptor based on Histograms of the Second Order Gradients TIP2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
黄永祯 中科院自动化研究所 Deep Semantic Ranking Based Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval CVPR2015 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
王彦斐 浙江大学 Multi-modal Mutual Topic Reinforce Modeling for Cross-media Retrieval ACMMM2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
沈琳琳 深圳大学 HEp-2 Image Classification Using Intensity Order Pooling Based Features and Bag of Words PR2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
殷绪成 北京科技大学 Multi-orientation Scene Text Detection with Adaptive Clustering PAMI2015 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
齐宪标 芬兰奥卢大学 Pairwise Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence Local Binary Pattern IEEE Trans. on PAMI 2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
程塨 西北工业大学 Learning Coarse-to-Fine Sparselets for Efficient Object Detection and Scene Classification CVPR2015 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
石建萍 香港中文大学 Discriminative Blur Detection Features CVPR2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
张鼎文 西北工业大学 Background Prior Based Salient Object Detection via Deep Reconstruction Residual TCSVT2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
仲国强 中国海洋大学 Tensor Representation Learning Based Image Patch Analysis for Text Identification and Recognition PR2014 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
张宇霆 浙江大学 Improving Object Detection with Deep Convolutional Networks via Bayesian Optimization and Structured Prediction CVPR2015 Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
纪荣嵘 厦门大学 Understanding Image Structure via Hierarchical Shape Parsing CVPR2015 Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
罗磊 国防科技大学 Shape Similarity Analysis by Self-tuning Locally Constrained Mixed-diffusion TMM2013 Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
李坤乾 华中科技大学 SaCoseg: Object Cosegmentation by Shape Conformability TIP2015 Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
宁纪锋 西北农林科技大学 Joint Registration and Active Contour Segmentation for Object Tracking TSCVT2013 Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
沈建冰 北京理工大学 Lazy Random Walks for Superpixel Segmentation TIP2014 Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
王元全 河北工业大学 Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac Cine MRI Using a Shape-constrained Snake Model CVIU2013 Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
侯臣平 国防科技大学 Multiple rank Multi-linear SVM for Matrix Data Classification PR2014 Statistical methods and learning
李俊 南京理工大学 Sparse Deep Stacking Network for Image Classification AAAI2015 Statistical methods and learning
刘宝弟 中国石油大学(华东) Self-Explanatory Sparse Representation for Image Classification ECCV2014 Statistical methods and learning
马占宇 北京邮电大学 Variational Bayesian Matrix Factorization for Bounded Support Data PAMI2015 Statistical methods and learning
沈复民 电子科技大学 Inductive Hashing on Manifolds CVPR2013 Statistical methods and learning
孙逸鹏 清华大学 Robust Two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis:a Structured Sparse Regularized Approach TIP2015 Statistical methods and learning
王冬 南京航空航天大学 Robust Distance Metric Learning in the Presence of Label Noise AAAI2014 Statistical methods and learning
谢宁 同济大学 Artist Agent: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Automatic Stroke Generation in Oriental Ink Painting ICML2012 Statistical methods and learning
赵谦 西安交通大学 Self-paced Learning for Matrix Factorization AAAI2015 Statistical methods and learning
常晓斌 中山大学 Learning Person-Person Interaction in Collective Activity Recognition TIP2015 Video: events, activities and surveillance
乔宇 中科院深圳先进技术研究院 Multi-View Super Vector for Action Recognition CVPR2014 Video: events, activities and surveillance
胡建芳 中山大学 Exemplar-based Recognition of Human-Object Interactions TCSVT2015 Video: events, activities and surveillance
方玉明 江西财经大学 Video Saliency Incorporating Spatiotemporal Cues and Uncertainty Weighting TIP2014 Video: events, activities and surveillance
李成龙 安徽大学 SOLD: Sub-Optimal Low-rank Decomposition for Efficient Video Segmentation CVPR2015 Video: events, activities and surveillance
秦磊 中科院计算所 Social Attribute-aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness of Interaction for Abnormal Crowd Detection TCSVT2014 Video: events, activities and surveillance
侯鹏 东南大学 Pre-release Prediction of Crowd Opinion on Movies IJCAI2015 Video: events, activities and surveillance


编号 姓名 单位 系统演示名称
柴智 中国航天科工集团二院二〇七所 智能视频分析与处理系统
陈刚 中科院成都信息技术股份有限公司 待定
程明明 南开大学 InfiniTAM
单志辉 南京视察者信息技术有限公司 待定
梁小丹 中山大学 Human Parsing
谢智歌 国防科技大学 基于多角度超限学习机的大规模三维分类系统
殷绪成 北京科技大学 自然场景与网络视频中多语言文本检测与识别
周谷越 大疆创新科技有限公司(DJI) The Visual Revolution for Drone Applications
尹芳 中科院计算所,微软亚洲研究院 基于Kinect的中国手语识别系统
李昊 电子科技大学 用于移动机器人的脸部跟踪系统
唐竞人 电子科技大学 连续手势识别技术在字母书写中的应用
廖春元、唐荣兴、凌海滨 亮风台 增强现实AR应用
赵勇 格林深瞳 格灵深瞳人体跟踪
陈心怡 格林深瞳 格灵深瞳汽车视觉
待定 百度 待定
待定 云智视像 待定
待定 三星 待定
黄飞跃,周可菁 腾讯 腾讯优图团队简介