| 程明明 |
南开大学 |
ImageSpirit: Verbal Guided Image Parsing |
ACM Transactions on Graphics |
3D computer vision |
| 冷聪 |
中科院自动化研究所 |
Fast and Accurate Image Matching with Cascade Hashing for 3D Reconstruction |
CVPR2014 |
3D computer vision |
| 马佳义 |
武汉大学 |
Robust Point Matching via Vector Field Consensus |
TIP2014 |
3D computer vision |
| 郭裕兰 |
国防科学技术大学 |
Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition |
IJCV2013 |
3D computer vision |
| 郭晓杰 |
中科院信息工程研究所 |
Robust Separation of Reflection from Multiple Images |
CVPR2014 |
Computational photography, photometry, shape from X |
| 樊鑫 |
大连理工大学 |
Fiducial Facial Point Extraction Using a Novel Projective Invariant |
TIP2015 |
Face and gesture |
| 李东 |
广东工业大学 |
Design and Learn Distinctive Features from Pore-scale Facial Keypoints |
PR2015 |
Face and gesture |
| 李慧斌 |
西安交通大学 |
Towards 3D Face Recognition in the Real: A Registration-Free Approach Using Fine-Grained Matching of 3D Keypoint Descriptors |
IJCV2014 |
Face and gesture |
| 金鑫 |
北京电子科技学院 |
Face Illumination Manipulation using a Single Reference Image by Adaptive Layer Decomposition |
TIP2013 |
Face and gesture |
| 黄智武 |
中科院计算技术研究所 |
Coupling Alignments with Recognition for Still-to-Video Face Recognition |
ICCV2013 |
Face and gesture |
| 阚美娜 |
中科院计算技术研究所 |
Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition: Targetize Source Domain Bridged by Common Subspace |
IJCV2014 |
Face and gesture |
| 欧卫华 |
贵州师范大学 |
Robust Face Recognition via Occlusion Dictionary Learning |
PR2015 |
Face and gesture |
| 王雯 |
中国科学院计算技术研究所 |
Discriminant Analysis on Riemannian Manifold of Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition with Image Sets |
CVPR2015 |
Face and gesture |
| 吴家祥 |
中科院自动化研究所 |
Bayesian Co-Boosting for Multi-modal Gesture Recognition |
JMLR2014 |
Face and gesture |
| 庄连生 |
中国科学技术大学 |
Sparse Illumination Learning and Transfer for Single-Sample Face Recognition with Image Corruption and Misalignment |
IJCV2014 |
Face and gesture |
| 栾晓 |
重庆邮电大学 |
Extracting Sparse Error of Robust PCA for Face Recognition in the Presence of Varying Illumination and Occlusion |
PR2014 |
Face and gesture |
| 张杰 |
中科院计算技术研究所 |
Coarse-to-Fine Auto-encoder Networks (CFAN) for Real-time Face Alignment |
ECCV2014 |
Face and gesture |
| 梁小丹 |
中山大学 |
Deep Human Parsing with Active Template Regression |
PAMI2015 |
Face and gesture |
| 杨松帆 |
四川大学 |
Zapping Index: A Measurement of Advertisement Zapping Likelihood from Smile |
TAC2014 |
Face and gesture |
| 陈运锦 |
国防科学技术大学 |
Insights into Analysis Operator Learning: from Patch-based Models to Higher-order MRFs |
TIP2014 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 高绍兵 |
电子科技大学 |
Efficient Color Constancy with Local Surface Reflectance Statistics |
ECCV2014 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 张林 |
同济大学 |
VSI: A Visual Saliency Induced Index for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment |
TIP2014 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 赵婷婷 |
天津科技大学 |
Analysis and Improvement of Policy Gradient Estimation |
NIPS2011 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 李马丁 |
北京大学 |
Adaptive General Scale Interpolation Based on Weighted Autoregressive Models |
TCSVT2015 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 何亮田 |
电子科技大学 |
Iterative Support Detection Based Split Bregman Method for Wavelet Frame Based Image Inpainting |
TIP2014 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 杨开富 |
电子科技大学 |
Efficient Illuminant Estimation for Color Constancy Using Grey Pixels |
CVPR2015 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 杨路 |
电子科技大学 |
Pixel-to-Model Distance for Robust Background Reconstruction |
TCSVT 2015 |
Low-level vision and image processing |
| 李汉曦 |
江西师范大学 |
DeepTrack: Learning Discriminative Feature Representations Online for Robust Visual Tracking |
BMVC2014, ACCV2014 |
Motion and Tracking |
| 王乃岩 |
香港科技大学 |
On the Understanding and Diagnosis of Visual Tracking System |
Arxiv2015 |
Motion and Tracking |
| 汤进 |
安徽大学计算机学院 |
Robust Feature Matching with Sparse Model |
TIP2014 |
Optimization methods |
| 赖志辉 |
深圳大学 |
Sparse Tensor Discriminant Analysis |
TIP2013 |
Optimization methods |
| 刘光灿 |
南京信息工程大学 |
Recovery of Coherent Data via Low-Rank Dictionary Pursuit |
NIPS2014 |
Optimization methods |
| 黄飞虎 |
南京航空航天大学 |
Joint Learning of Multiple Sparse Matrix Gaussian Graphical Models |
TNNLS2014 |
Optimization methods |
| 许勇 |
华南理工大学 |
Discriminative Structured Dictionary Learning with Hierarchical Group Sparsity |
CVIU2015 |
Optimization methods |
| 张弘扬 |
北京大学 |
Exact Recoverability of Robust PCA via Outlier Pursuit with Tight Recovery Bounds |
AAAI2015 |
Optimization methods |
| 桂杰 |
中科院合肥智能机械研究所 |
How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis and Its Kernel Version? |
TCSVT2014 |
Optimization methods |
| 鲁潇潇 |
大连理工大学 |
From Dictionary of Visual Words to Subspaces: Locality-constrained Affine Subspace Coding |
CVPR2015 |
Optimization methods |
| 聂为之 |
天津大学 |
Clique-graph Matching by Preserving Global & Local Structure |
CVPR2015 |
Optimization methods |
| 李春光 |
北京邮电大学 |
Structured Sparse Subspace Clustering: A Unified Optimization Framework |
CVPR2015 |
Optimization methods |
| 王兴刚 |
华中科技大学 |
Robust Subspace Discovery via Relaxed Rank Minimization, Neural Computation. |
Neural Computation 2014 |
Optimization methods |
| 许春燕 |
华中科技大学 新加坡国立大学 |
Discriminative Analysis for Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on Lie Groups |
TCSVT2014 |
Optimization methods |
| 肖阳 |
华中科技大学 |
mCENTRIST: a Multi-channel Feature Generation Mechanism for Scene Categorizationn |
TIP2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 白翔 |
华中科技大学 |
Symmetry-Based Text Line Detection in Natural Scene |
CVPR2015 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 黄迪 |
北京航空航天大学 |
HSOG: A Novel Local Image Descriptor based on Histograms of the Second Order Gradients |
TIP2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 黄永祯 |
中科院自动化研究所 |
Deep Semantic Ranking Based Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval |
CVPR2015 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 王彦斐 |
浙江大学 |
Multi-modal Mutual Topic Reinforce Modeling for Cross-media Retrieval |
ACMMM2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 沈琳琳 |
深圳大学 |
HEp-2 Image Classification Using Intensity Order Pooling Based Features and Bag of Words |
PR2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 殷绪成 |
北京科技大学 |
Multi-orientation Scene Text Detection with Adaptive Clustering |
PAMI2015 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 齐宪标 |
芬兰奥卢大学 |
Pairwise Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence Local Binary Pattern |
IEEE Trans. on PAMI 2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 程塨 |
西北工业大学 |
Learning Coarse-to-Fine Sparselets for Efficient Object Detection and Scene Classification |
CVPR2015 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 石建萍 |
香港中文大学 |
Discriminative Blur Detection Features |
CVPR2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 张鼎文 |
西北工业大学 |
Background Prior Based Salient Object Detection via Deep Reconstruction Residual |
TCSVT2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 仲国强 |
中国海洋大学 |
Tensor Representation Learning Based Image Patch Analysis for Text Identification and Recognition |
PR2014 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 张宇霆 |
浙江大学 |
Improving Object Detection with Deep Convolutional Networks via Bayesian Optimization and Structured Prediction |
CVPR2015 |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching |
| 纪荣嵘 |
厦门大学 |
Understanding Image Structure via Hierarchical Shape Parsing |
CVPR2015 |
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation |
| 罗磊 |
国防科技大学 |
Shape Similarity Analysis by Self-tuning Locally Constrained Mixed-diffusion |
TMM2013 |
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation |
| 李坤乾 |
华中科技大学 |
SaCoseg: Object Cosegmentation by Shape Conformability |
TIP2015 |
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation |
| 宁纪锋 |
西北农林科技大学 |
Joint Registration and Active Contour Segmentation for Object Tracking |
TSCVT2013 |
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation |
| 沈建冰 |
北京理工大学 |
Lazy Random Walks for Superpixel Segmentation |
TIP2014 |
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation |
| 王元全 |
河北工业大学 |
Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac Cine MRI Using a Shape-constrained Snake Model |
CVIU2013 |
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation |
| 侯臣平 |
国防科技大学 |
Multiple rank Multi-linear SVM for Matrix Data Classification |
PR2014 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 李俊 |
南京理工大学 |
Sparse Deep Stacking Network for Image Classification |
AAAI2015 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 刘宝弟 |
中国石油大学(华东) |
Self-Explanatory Sparse Representation for Image Classification |
ECCV2014 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 马占宇 |
北京邮电大学 |
Variational Bayesian Matrix Factorization for Bounded Support Data |
PAMI2015 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 沈复民 |
电子科技大学 |
Inductive Hashing on Manifolds |
CVPR2013 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 孙逸鹏 |
清华大学 |
Robust Two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis:a Structured Sparse Regularized Approach |
TIP2015 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 王冬 |
南京航空航天大学 |
Robust Distance Metric Learning in the Presence of Label Noise |
AAAI2014 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 谢宁 |
同济大学 |
Artist Agent: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Automatic Stroke Generation in Oriental Ink Painting |
ICML2012 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 赵谦 |
西安交通大学 |
Self-paced Learning for Matrix Factorization |
AAAI2015 |
Statistical methods and learning |
| 常晓斌 |
中山大学 |
Learning Person-Person Interaction in Collective Activity Recognition |
TIP2015 |
Video: events, activities and surveillance |
| 乔宇 |
中科院深圳先进技术研究院 |
Multi-View Super Vector for Action Recognition |
CVPR2014 |
Video: events, activities and surveillance |
| 胡建芳 |
中山大学 |
Exemplar-based Recognition of Human-Object Interactions |
TCSVT2015 |
Video: events, activities and surveillance |
| 方玉明 |
江西财经大学 |
Video Saliency Incorporating Spatiotemporal Cues and Uncertainty Weighting |
TIP2014 |
Video: events, activities and surveillance |
| 李成龙 |
安徽大学 |
SOLD: Sub-Optimal Low-rank Decomposition for Efficient Video Segmentation |
CVPR2015 |
Video: events, activities and surveillance |
| 秦磊 |
中科院计算所 |
Social Attribute-aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness of Interaction for Abnormal Crowd Detection |
TCSVT2014 |
Video: events, activities and surveillance |
| 侯鹏 |
东南大学 |
Pre-release Prediction of Crowd Opinion on Movies |
IJCAI2015 |
Video: events, activities and surveillance |