实验室需招2~3名PhD,从事machine learning, data mining, computer vision, biomedical imaging and informatics 方面的研究工作。具体参见老师主页 file:///C:\Users\CHENG\AppData\Local\Temp\%W@GJ$ACOF(TYDYECOKVDYB.png
UTA是美国德州大学系统的第二大高校,CS专业排名现在在美国80名左右,近几年处于明显上升趋势。系里就业很不错,近几年毕业的中国学生很多都拿到不错的offer,有去当faulty的,也一些拿到IBM,ebay,apple, samsung 各种大公司research lab的,还有一些到各大公司的当engineer工作。
Multiple Graduate Assistantships are available with Dr. Junzhou Huang in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Texas atArlington The salary is competitive, which is depending on the experiences and qualifications.
Desirable applicants should have degrees in Computer Science or other relatedfields, and strong motivation toward high quality research in machine learning, data mining,computer vision, biomedical imaging and informatics. Previous research experiences in related fields and scientificpublications in journals/conferences are strongly preferred.
Interested applicants please send your resume and best academic publication to jzhuang@uta.edu