贾伟中科院合肥 发表于 2015-6-24 13:56:28


表1. 生物特征识别领域顶级期刊列表
IEEE T PAMIIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis andMachine Intelligence
IEEE T IFSIEEE Transactions on InformationForensics and Security
IEEE T IPIEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE T NNLSIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks andLearning Systems
IEEE T CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
IEEE T MCIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
IEEE T HMSIEEE Transactions on Human-MachineSystems
IEEE T IIIEEE Transactions on IndustrialInformatics
IEEE T SMCSIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man andCybernetics: Systems
IJCVInternational Journal of Computer Vision
PRPattern Recognition
ACM CSACM Computing Surveys
IEEE CSTIEEE Communications Surveys &Tutorials

表2. 生物特征识别领域顶级会议列表
ICBInternational Conference on Biometrics
BTASBiometrics Theory, Applications andSystems (BTAS) conference
IJCBCombining ICB and BTAS
FGAutomatic Face and Gesture Recognition
CVPRConference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition
ICCVInternational Conference on ComputerVision
ECCVEuropean Conference on Computer Vision

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查看完整版本: 生物特征识别(Biometrics)领域顶级期刊和会议列表